Who Are You?

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Newt's POV

He woke up, automatically uncomfrontable, he noticed something was totally off.

"Madison?" He sat up, noticing the empty spot next to him.

"Guys!" Newt shouted, causing Minho and Thomas too shoot up, looking at Newt wide-eyed.

"What happened?" Thomas questioned, concern filling his voice.

"It's Maddie, she's gone." Newt whimpered, fear all over his face.

"What do you mean gone!" Minho shouuted, fear also entering his body.

"Wait, who's that?" Thomas pointed to the kid sleeping on the bunk.

"Hey, hey shank." Minho shouted, smacking the kid on the shoulder.

He instantly shot up, fear crossing his expression, he stared at the boys standing before him.

"Who the shuck are you!?" Newt yelled, his face bright red with anger and a bit of fear.

Thomas held Newts hands back so he wouldn't hurt the kid sitting in front of him.

His Maddie was gone, Maddie, gone, no where to be seen, and then all of a sudden a shucking boy comes?

"You better start shucking talking!" Newt yelled, lashing in Thomas's grasp.

"Yeah kid, you better start now before ol' Newt here tears you to shreds because you killed his girlfriend or you kidnapped her, either one." Minho huffed, his eyes squint tight, staring down the kid before him.

Aris sat there, looking at the three boys in front of him, fear was rising higher and higher.

This wasn't want the girls said would happen, all they needed was information, not all this.

"M-My names A-Aris." He studdered, looking at them still.

"Okay, 'Aris'," Minho looked at him skeptically, "Where's Madison?" He questioned, making Aris uncomfrontable.

"She'll be back soon, I-I promise!" Aris squeaked, looking at Newt who was somewhat relived she was okay but still shooting angry glares at him.

"Where. Is. She." Newt growled, his heart turning cold which was unusual for Newt.

"Sh-She's with Group B!" He squeaked again, pulling a pillow close to him.

"How the shuck did she get there?" Minho growled, looking at Aris.

"I-I took her there.." Aris mumbled, barely looking up at the three boys.

Newt, Thomas and Minho just stood there, dumbfounded and angry.

"Bring her back, now." They all growled, you don't mess with Group A.

'I'm gonna shucking kill Aris.' Maddie thought, even though she was in a totally different room.

'Madison, are you alright?' Thomas spoke back to her but Aris kept looking at Thomas.

'I didn't know you could do this too.' Aris nudged in, looking at Thomas who's eyes went a bit wide.

'ARIS.' Maddie screamed, making Thomas and Aris flinch.

'I'm gonna kill you.' You could sense the anger in her voice even if you wern't with her.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Minho growled, crossing his arms.

He did, indeed have a lot of explaining.


"What are you doing?" Rachel demanded, standing up, walking to Maddie.

"What does it look like shuckface? I'm leaving this hell hole." She growled, standing up, moving away from Rachel.

"You can't leave." She smirked, but it soon left her face.

"You aren't the boss of me." Maddie replied back coldly, pulling a bobby pin out of her hair and kneeling down at the door handle.

She placed the bobby pin inside the key hole and slowly moved it around ti'll she heard a 'click.'

She stood up, opening the door, turning around to see all of the girls faces pale with fear, Maddie scared them, she was tough and not afraid to get in your face.

Maddie gave a slight smirk and left the room, locking it before it shut so they couldn't get out.

She carefully and quietly walked down the hall to Group A's room and picked the lock, opening the door.

She walked in to see Newt still being held back by Thomas and Minho nearly killing Aris.

"Maddie!" Newt shouted, getting out of Thomas's grasp and pulling Maddie into his arms.

Maddie started to cry, she hated being away from Newt, she was his everything.

"I missed you so much, I thought I lost you." Newt whimpered and pulled her into a kiss.

Aris sat there dumbfounded of how she escaped the room.

Thomas and Minho just grinned at Maddie and Newt embracing eachother.

Maddie soon broke away, anger refilling her body, Newt latched himself around her, to hold her back from murdering Aris.

"Newt let go!" She shouted, lashing at Aris who was squeaking everytime she got close.

It got to the point where Thomas had to help Newt also, holding Maddie back.

She soon sighed and clamed down a bit, but still angry at Aris.

"You're gonna pay for this." She growled, making Aris shudder.

"You really got yourself into this one shuck face." Minho laughed, grinning his usual grin.

"I only did what I was told to do." Aris mumbled, looking at Madison pleadingly.

"You better talk before she kills you." Thomas grinned and chuckled.

Maddie just rested against Newt, waiting to hear Aris explain everything.

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