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Aris's POV

For once he had a good idea, a thought, a plan, something that could actually make a difference.

"So how do we get into their heads?" Thomas questioned, sitting on the floor in their dorm room.

They had been at this place for a few months now, they desperately wanted to leave, to see their familys again.

Were their familys even alive?

WICKED said that the sun scorched the earth, meaning tons of people died.

But how did places like the maze and this area stay okay, and not get destroyed?

"Well they obviously have some sort of drug that they put in us when we didn't know." Minho butted in, making Maddie and Newt jump off their bunk and onto the floor.

"Do you think Group B got affected too?" Maddie spoke up, looking at all the boys then the door.

Group B hadn't been a problem for a while, until now, they really didn't know anything about them and maybe they're the reason all of this happened, or they got affected too.

"Someone needs to find out, maybe they know something?" Thomas suggested, more towards Aris since he was once with them.

Aris made a loud groaning noise and sighed.

"Fine I'll do it." Aris grumbled, standing up and opening their dorm room door and sneaking down to Group B's.

He walked down to Group B's door and opened it slightly, peaking his head in.

"Aris?" A girl looked at him, making the rest look at him.

"Oh my god Aris where have you been?! We thought you were dead!" Another girl ran up to him and hugged him.

He honestly wasn't expecting this much affection since the last time he saw them is when he killed Beth.

"Are you guys okay? Has anything happened to you?" Aris questioned, looking at all the girls.

"Actually yes, how'd you know?" A girl spoke up, looking at Aris confused.

"Group A kind of went through the same thing and were trying to figure out a way to get back at WICKED." Aris explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"But WICKED is good Aris." A girl spoke up, looking at him.

"WICKED nearly killed all of us, don't ever say it's good." Aris spat, glaring at the girl.

All the girls in Group B looked at Aris like he was crazy.

"I've got my information, so now I'm leaving." He shook his head and left the room before anyone else could protest.

He snuck back to Group A and they all were sitting on the floor in their dorm room.

"So what did you find out?" Minho looked at Aris, making everyone else look at him.

"They had the same experience, except they kept trying to convince me that WICKED is good." Aris's eyebrows srunched together, trying to think why they would say that.

"They brainwashed them." Maddie looked at them all, thinking it was the most logical explination.

"Aren't we already brain washed?" Newt grumbled, having Maddie sit in his lap.

Aris took Thomas and Minho over to a different area of their dorm and started to come up with a plan to trick WICKED and take them down.

Maddie continued to sit in Newt's lap, she realized they haven't spent as much time together since they were in the Glade.

"I miss you Blondie." She cooed and rested her head against him.

"I miss you too, we never spend time together anymore." Newt sighed and pecked her cheek.

"We have now." She smiled and kissed him deeply.

Newt was shocked at first but then kissed back just as deep, pulling her closer to him.

"I love you." She murmured against his lips, her fingers tangled in his hair.

"I love you more." He smirked against her lips, holding her close to himself.

She pouted but laughed, making him laugh also.

Thomas and Minho glanced over at them and smiled.

They were glad that they were still happy together, they could only imagine if they had split or one of them died.

"Hey... Hey guys I found something." Aris spoke excitedly and worriedly.

"What?" Minho turned and looked at him.

"When they gave us our memorys back, we practically died in the moment and relived everything that they took from us right?" Aris looked at everyone, making sure they understood.

"Yeah and what the bloody hell does that have to do with anything?" Newt looked at Aris.

"Actually a lot." Aris looked at some papers and then back at them.

"In that time period that we were 'dead' they injected something into our system, letting them be able to control us." Aris explained, looking at everyone as they began to understand.

"So let's say that we pretend that they still control us but something goes wrong and we all die, they won't know what to do." Minho grinned and looked at Thomas.

Let's do this.

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