The Box

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Madison's POV

There was a box, with her name on it.

In the middle of know where?

In the middle of a crazy place, filled with Cranks and sand?

"Why is there a box with your name on it here?" Newt questioned, making her look up at him.

"I don't know honestly.." She mumbled, looking around the box.

"Well don't just sit there shuck face, open the box!" Minho exclaimed, pointing at it.

Maddie took a deep breath and unlocked the part, slowly opening it up.

It was as if the world stopped moving, everyone stopped breathing and moving.

Inside the box laid a journal, a few pictures and a letter.

She carefully took out the photos, dusting them off.

She looked at them carefully, she could make out a small child, a girl, which she thought was her as a little girl.

But beside her stood these two people.

A women and a man.

Were they her parents?

Who were they?

She set it down and took another, dusting it off carefully.

In this picture there was the little girl who she was sure was herself, but there was a little boy also.

She looked at the face more closely, she knew this face, but who was it?

She carefully held it up, letting it sit beside everyones faces.

She walked over to Thomas, putting it beside him, it seemed similar.

She looked at his face and then her eyes widened.

She looked back at the picture, frantically she looked more over the photo and found writing on the back of this picture.

'Madison and Thomas, 5 years old.' Was written on the back.

Her hands started to tremble, how did she not know this?


A long lost older brother?

She looked up at Thomas, his expression confused and worried.

She walked back over to the box and took out another picture.

She was older now, teenager about 13-14 years old, she was with a blonde headed boy.

Her heart started to beat twice as fast, she instantly went to check the back of the picture.

Sure enough there was some writing.
'Madison and Newt, 6 months together today.' Was written on the back, she weakly turned it back over.

There she was, with Newt, he had given her flowers and a teddy bear. They were both smiling in the photo, as if they were the happiest people ever.

So if she knew Thomas and now she knew Newt, where was Minho?

She frantically searched the box to find two more photos.

She dusted another off, revealing her and another boy.

They were at the park, both on swings, both laughing as they went in the air.

She turned the picture over and read it carefully.

'Madison and Minho, best friends forever.' Was written on the back.

How could she not remember her best friend?

Her best friend that apparently was so close to her before.

There was one more picture left, she gently wiped the dust off, revealing a whole group of people.

There was the two adults again, Thomas, Minho herself and Newt.

She looked at the faces of the two grown ups, she started to think it was her parents.

She turned it over and there in the last writing explained it all.

'Last group photo together forever.' Was what it said, but underneathe there was something else.

'We love you all.' Was the last thing that was written.

She stared at the paper in complete shock.

She slowly looked up at the boys, their curiousity killing them.

"Did you find anything out?" Minho questioned, looking at her.

"Yes uh.. A lot actually." She stammered, looking at all the photos.

"I don't know how this all happened, but.." She trailed off, looking at the pictures again.

"Thomas.. You're my brother.." She spoke, looking at him, his eyes widened.

"Minho.. You were my best friend ever.." She spoke also, making him swallow hard, as if he wasn't expecting that.

"And Newt.." She swallowed, tears falling down her cheeks.

"You were my boyfriend.. We had been together for 6 months.. Apparently it's still happening today." She smiled, tears falling down her face.

Newt stared at her, a small smile on his lips yet a still shocked expression on his face.

"You mean, I dated you before the maze?" Newt whispered, a confused look on his face.

"Yes, yes you did." She smiled, putting the pictures back in the box.

"And I'm your brother?" Thomas spoke up, his voice faint.

"Yes, don't you see it though, were always fighting, apparently siblings do that kind of stuff." She explained, making Thomas smile slightly.

"And for you Minho, we were best friends, we always had fun together no matter what, causing trouble in school probably." She smiled, making Minho grin and chuckle.

"This is so much information, so many pieces to the past." Maddie exclaimed, sitting back in the sand.

They all sat down with her, looking at each picture that had themselves in it.

She gently took out the journal.

She opened it carefully, looking through the pages.

Each page was full of writings and a few pictures taped in.

This was her journal.

Before she started to read, the curiousity took over.

She gently took the letter out.

On top it said clearly;

To; Madison

She carefully opened it, wanting to see what it said.

She instantly stopped, her eyes shot up to Thomas.

"What is it Maddie?" Minho questioned, looking at Newt then back to her.

"It's a letter.. From our parents.." She spoke, her voice barely audioable.

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