What's That Charm?

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Newt's POV

Thomas and Maddie had been gone for a long time, they said they would be gone for only a few minutes.

Did something happen?

Did someone take them?

Is something wrong with Maddie?

Many horrible thoughts were going through his head, making him overwhelmed.

"Errrgggmmmhhh" Newt groaned and ran his hands through his hair.

"What's wrong?" Minho questioned, along with Aris.

"Thomas and Maddie still aren't back." Newt sighed, looking at the other boys.

"I'm sure they're okay, maybe they got lost or something." Aris spoke up, shrugging his shoulders.

Newt only huffed and sat back down on the bunk.

He started to play with his necklace around his neck, just to keep himself distracted.

Newt instantly looked down at the charm on the necklace, since when was he wearing this?

Where did it even come from?

It wasn't here a few minutes ago.

He glanced over at Aris and Minho and noticed they both had necklaces too, but with different charms.

Was there a meaning behind these charms?

Newt let out a weird noise that caught Minho and Aris's attention.

"You alright buddy?" Minho questioned, looking at Newt in a concerned way.

"Look at your necks." Newt spoke, his voice full of fear.

Minho and Aris glanced down and it was as if they both saw a ghost.

They instantly turned a pale color then looked back up.

"What the hell?" Aris took it off and held it in his hand, studying the charm.

Minho just stared at it until he took his off also, studying it then looked up at Newt.

"Yes I have one too." Newt answered before Minho could even talk.

Newt untied it from his neck and held it in his hand.

"Where the hell did they come from?" Minho exclaimed, looking at the jewlery in his hand.

Newt only shrugged but then focused on the door as Thomas and Maddie walked in.

Maddie looked at all of them and her eyes widened.

"Thomas... Look.." She pulled on his shirt and he glanced around the room at them.

"Maddie.." Thomas spoke carefully as she began to panick.

"I don't fricken understand." She grumbled, yanking the necklace off her neck.

Newt looked at her confused but his expression changed as he saw they both too had necklaces.

"Do you know what's happening?" Newt asked, he stood up and gave Maddie a hug.

She let out a sigh and smiled as he hugged her.

If it wasn't for Newt, she would've gone insane.

"These necklaces mean something, I'm just not sure yet." She answered a few minutes later.

"I know that mine has to deal with this place." She looked at them all and showed her the charm, which was a sun.

Minho looked at it and then at her.

"I've seen that before." He spoke up, looking wide-eyed.

"What! Where?" She exclaimed, shaking him.

Thomas grabbed her by the shoulders gently and she smiled shyly.

"It's behind your bunk." He replied, walking over to it and pulling the bunks away from the wall.

"It's right here." Minho pointed out, putting his hand on the wall.

Maddie looked at it carefully, then at the charm.

She slowly removed the charm from the necklace and placed it into the wall.

At first it was quiet, but then it sounded as something was turning.

Then again, it was silent.

That is, ti'll something caught everyone's eye.

It was a secret door.

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