Lights, Glade, Action

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Madison's POV

She had to plan everything the night before the day it was to happen, yes, the double date she planned.

It took her hours to find everything she needed to make this whole date thing workout the way she wanted it.

It was going to be perfect no matter what.

"Okay listen up you shuck faces, if you don't get this perfectly and Newt, Thomas and Minho don't have a great shucking time, I'll beat the klunk outta ya you hear me?" She looked at all of the boys who agreed to help her, they quickly nodded, their eyes wide with fear.

When Maddie wanted things done, she got them done, her way.

She looked around the picnic area, she had made her own checklist and everything.

"Okay, box of white lights?" She called out and a boy answered with a 'yes!' She nodded and checked it off.

"Okay how about roses?" She called out again and another boy said 'yes!' She nodded once again and checked it off.

"Okay what about the food, Frypan?" She called out and looked at Frypan for a response.

"All good Maddie, I got everything you want!" He smiled and Maddie smiled back checking it off her list.

"Okay how about, table cloth, candles, and nice looking plates?" She called out and a few boys responded with a 'yes!' She smiled to herself and checked it off.

"Alright good job everyone! Now all we gotta do is set it up!" She clapped and everyone started working.

Now all she had to do was distract the boys from coming into this entire area.

She walked outside and looked around for all the boys. They were all talking until they saw her and started to walk over.

She ran up to them and tackled Newt in a huge hug, causing him to stumble backwards.

"Well someone's in a good mood." Minho grinned and pulled Thomas closer to his body.

"Yeah, what did you bloody do now?" Newt chuckled, kissing her sweetly, which only got a few groans and a 'really?' By Thomas and Minho.

"Hey, she can't get any better lips around here than mine." Newt grinned which made Maddie blush lightly.

"Oooohhhh you made miss sassy pants blush!" Minho shouted, causing Thomas to grin.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Maddie grumbled, laughing.

Newt pulled her close and gave her a side hug as she glared playfully at Minho and Thomas.

"Well I'm starvin' lets get somethin' to eat." Minho suggested.

Maddies eyes went wide and she tackled Minho to the ground.

"No!" She shouted, sitting on him and holding him against the ground.

"Maddie!" Minho shouted, grunting as she had sat on him.

"Maddie c'mon get off Minho." Newt picked her up, making her squeal.

"You can't go least not yet anyways.." She looked at all of them and they looked back at her suspicously.

"What did you plan now Maddie?" Thomas questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not tellin' ya." She huffed and crossed her arms.

"It's a surpise so wait ti'll then." She smirked and kissed Newt on the cheek.

"Go do something for a while, so I can get everything ready alright?" She smiled and Thomas and Minho sighed.

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