Part 7 {Bad temper}

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*** (Sunday afternoon)

{Gryffindore common room}

Remus came running down the stairs when he saw James in the common room sitting at a table talking to Peter.

"The hell Potter?" he yelled storming to him.

"What?" James asked confused jumping up from the chair. Remus stopped in front of him, looking disgusted.

"Where the fuck were you Friday night?" Remus yelled, grabbing the entire common room's attention.

"At the party?" James scoffed back, confused of what was happening.

"With whom?" Remus asked looking angry.

Sirius and Peter had moved their way to the front of the crowd to see what was happening.

"Guys?" Sirius spoke trying to get their attention.

James looked around confused. "Lucy?"

"No" Remus shouted. "You arrived with her, you arrived with Stars"

"The fuck is your problem Moony?" James yelled, clearly clueless of what happened at that party.

Remus scoffed, looking at James with anger in his eyes.

"You are!" he yelled; his voice full of fury. "You disappeared in the middle of the fucking party, leaving your girlfriend there alone"

"Moony, what are you talking about?" Sirius asked stepping forward. He looked from James to Remus, wanting an answer.

Remus looked at Sirius, noting that he didn't know either. "Prongs here left his girlfriend at the party Friday night, and disappeared after another girl"

"What?" Sirius asked looking at James. "The fuck dude?"

"I didn't cheat on Lucy, if that's what your implying?" James jumped in trying to defend himself.

Remus laughed looking back at James. "You may not have cheated. But Prongs, you left her at that party and walked off with another girl. It may not be cheating, but Wormtail and I had to carry her to her dorm, that's how drunk she got. You were supposed to be there to check on how much alcohol she consumes, and you know exactly why I'm saying that!" Remus lost control. He yelled louder and louder. "I went to her dorm yesterday morning and night to see how she was doing, turns out you didn't even go looking for her! You haven't seen Stars in two days, but you're not worried? What kind of a boyfriend are you?"

"Moony, calm down" Sirius said placing his hand on Remus's shoulder.

"No!" Remus yelled, hitting him away, not even looking at him. "Prongs didn't even go looking for Stars! She could barely walk ten centimetres without tripping over. And look at him now, he is absolutely clueless. Standing here like he didn't even remember he had a girlfriend. Pathetic!" Remus walked closer to James, being inches away.

"Because I didn't see her drunk!" James tried yelling back, but it came out a lot softer than he anticipated. "I was hanging with another friend, and if you have a problem with that Moony, get over it" He straightened himself up to look more intimidating.

Remus scoffed, looking this guy up and down. "Maybe next time tell your girlfriend you going off with that 'friend' instead of your going to get drinks. That's my problem, the way you can fucking lie"

"Okay, enough" Peter yelled pulling Remus away from James.

He pulled Remus back to the stairs, dropping him at the bottom.

"Where the fuck did that come from?" Peter asked exchanging looks between Remus and James.

"You know Stars isn't supposed to drink that much. You know what happened last year. But last night when I found her, she was drunk, having almost an entire bottle of fire whiskey in her system" Remus glared at James from across the room. "He disappeared with this girl named Lily. I haven't seen him at all Friday night. He ditched the party, along with Stars" Remus stood up, looking at Peter.

"I'm going to go for a walk" he said shooting past Peter through the common room.

Before Peter could answer, Remus shot past him and out the common room. He walked down the halls, looking for a place to rest.

He reached the Great Hall, where he froze, looking at the stairs to the basements. Millions of thoughts went through his mind.

He walked into the Hall, seating himself at the Gryffindore table alone. After a while, Peter and Sirius joined him, getting ready for lunch.

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