Part 54 {Im an heir?}

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I sat down, looking at the books in front of me. Surely they would have answers about my 'condition'.

One for one I started paging through them, reading as fast as I could. Lily and Marlene brought piles of books as I read, and soon helped paging through them. They agreed to help me, since they saw my desperation to see if I could make it stop. The three of us spent the entire Saturday in the library, forgetting to tell the boys.

From about eight in the morning, we stayed in the library, not even leaving for lunch. The Marauders got concerned, looking for us without the map. They eventually found us, with the help of the map, and brought us a basket of snacks. Remus and Sirius stayed behind, helping us search, while Peter and James vanished off somewhere.

"Nothing" I sighed in fury, while shutting a book closed and slamming it down onto the table. "This was the last one I got"

"Nothing here either," Remus sighed, closing the book gently.

Sirius had fallen asleep earlier, leaving us be.

Marlene groaned as she closed her final book. "I don't understand how they don't have anything-"

"I have it!" Lily yelled, jumping up. Shocked I looked at her, immediately jumping up and rushing over the table to her. "I had an idea to maybe look at the founders of Hogwarts, and I found it!" She looked at me with a bright smile, her eyes bright and excited.

I snatched the book from her hand, immediately scanning it. "As being one of the most powerful witches known to the wizarding world, Helga Hufflepuff was truly the queen of Nature. She could instantly grow any sort of plant without the use of her wand. She was known for being uncontrolled as a young witch, overgrowing the lives of everyone. She was well known for easily growing plants on her skin, without her on realization-"

"That makes no sense" I interrupted myself as I read out loud. Remus gently took the book from my hands, reading from the side.

"You're the heir of Hufflepuff?" he questioned, looking at me.

I frowned. "I can't be" I denied. "I am from a bloodline of pure Ravenclaws-"

"Are you really?" Marlene asked, still seated.

"I have to be. Or I am told that of course" I sat down, confused myself. "My parents always discarded me since I was a Hufflepuff. They would tell me about how our family were Ravenclaws. Always were"

Remus sat down next to me, placing his hand on my leg. "What about from your father's side?" he asked calmly.

I looked at him, frowning. "I never new them. Ever since I was a baby they never came around or anything"

"We can write for your father" Lily suggested, sitting down next to me. "I know it might not help, but-"

"Maybe I could find something" I interrupted, joy in my tone. "I would love that"

"Shit" Marlene whispered, suddenly gathering her stuff. "Sirius and I were supposed to have detention today" she mumbled before jumping up, grabbing Sirius by the collar and dragging him out the library. We all laughed, watching them vanish off.

"I should probably go off and look for those other two troublemakers" Remus chuckled, standing up.  "Should I help you two or-"

"We got the books covered" I smiled, before jumping up.

Remus smiled before vanishing off as well. Lily and I took care of the hundreds of books, placing them back in the shelves. We took a few at a time, making sure we didn't overload our arms. It was already late, so the library was empty. We placed the books back within an hour, easily finishing early enough for dinner. We cleaned up the last few packets of the snacks and swiped the table spotless.

We travelled through the castle to the dining hall and separated to our tables. I sat down in between Mya and Riley and enjoyed the night. It was sort of peaceful that night at dinner, having no homework on my mind or having to deal with it.

Dinner flew by quickly, with us having no trouble chatting a lot. I stayed behind as many children vanished off to bed, still enjoying a slice of carrot cake. The room was almost empty, when I decided to head back, before it was to late.

I walked down the stairs, when seeing Mason stand in front of the Hufflepuff common room entrance. He immediately took a step forward when he saw me. "Lucy, can we talk?" he asked quickly, giving me no time to just ignore him.

I raised an eyebrow and curled my hand into a fist. "Want another bloody nose?" I asked, making him take a step back.

"No- I want to apologize for being a dick" he said, surprising me. "I'm really sorry" he said, looking as I loosened the fist a little.

"Mason, you beat up my brother" I said, still holding on my anger.

"I know, and I'm really sorry. I apologized to him, and he forgave me. All I ask for is you to forgive me" he said, his voice soft and calm.

I sighed, looking at his desperate eyes. "Well, Mason-"

"Get the fuck away from her" Remus yelled as he came flooding down the stairs. I turned to him, seeing fury in his eyes.

"Moony, no" I said jumping in front of him. He suddenly pushed me away, causing me to fall onto the floor hard. He stormed to Mason, not noticing that he even laid a hand on me. He gave a punch, causing Mason to fall to the ground. "Moony stop!" I yelled from the floor as Remus got on top of Mason and started hitting him. "Fucking stop Moony!" I yelled loudly, flowers suddenly growing on the stoned floors.

He looked up at me, noticing blood drip down from the back of my head. I had flowers all over my legs and they were growing over the floor. His eyes widened, realizing he physically hurt me. He let go of Mason's collar and jumped up, leaving Mason on the ground, almost yelling of the pain.

"Stars" he said, seeing me stand in shock, looking down at Mason's bloody body. "I didn't mean to- you know I would never-"

I suddenly looked up at him, making him silent. I took shallow, rapid breaths,  feeling numb. I was suddenly in fear, not of Remus, but of what he suddenly did. I took a stap back, seeing him reach his arm out.

"Stars, please" he said, taking a few steps towards me. I felt my body stop the blossoms and the vines. I reversed around Mason's agonizing bloody body, towards the stairs. "Stars, please stop" Remus said, seeing my eyes look at Mason. Remus had his hands out, trying to calm me down, only thing was, I wasn't worrying or having an attack, I was just shocked.

I turned around, walking into the common room without a word. I heard a teacher rush down the stairs, seeing Mason's body and immediately bending down, helping him.

I was traumatized by what Remus just did, to me. Knowing he was an uncontrollable werewolf I didn't expect him to lash out like that in person. I was surprised.

They next two weeks, I managed to avoid Remus. I still hung out with the entire crew, and Remus did apologize, but deep in my mind I couldn't bare of what he would do if he got mad again. I did forgive him, but I would never forget it.

Mason and I made peace, agreeing to keep out of each other's ways. I came in contact with Natasha, and we both agreed that no matter what, we'd be there for each other, and the baby.

A while had past, and at last my life was getting better again. My father responded to my letter, which shook me completely. I was indeed the heir of Hufflepuff, as my father was the first Ravenclaw in his family bloodline. He was not quite disowned for being a Ravenclaw, but he disowned his own family, as my mother felt that Hufflepuffs were weak and not made for our world.

I puzzled it all together, and soon, I was well known to be the true heir of the entire house.

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