Part 41 {The explanation}

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{Remus's point of view}

She fainted, blood slowly dripping out of her nose. I caught her, making har fall onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"What the fuck was that?" Regulus yelled running towards us. "Was she possessed or what?" his voice was frightened, confused and even scared.

Micheal fell to ground, taking Stars' hand. "What happened?" he asked shaking.

I stroked threw her hair with my right hand, untangling the flower crown. "She did this before, twice" I said, pulling the flower crown off of her head.

Confused Micheal looked at me, unbelieved. "What do you mean this happened before? When?"

Sirius stood behind me, folding his arms in worry. "The first time was in the Christmas holiday of her third year. The second time was in her fifth year, she was fucked-up wasted and she got pissed. She was passed out for about five days, had us worried sick!

"Sick?" Lara asked gasping. "What's wrong with her?"

I stood up, pulling her to lay in my arms. "There's nothing wrong with her. When she get extremely mad or super upset or extremely frightened, this happens. She can't control her powers" I slowly started walking out of the light, away from them. But they followed after me.

"But all the plants and flowers, where did it come from?" Micheal asked looking back at the grass as we walked. "Her skin, it's full of flowers and her hair, it formed a crown. Whe- Where did it all come from?" he questioned concerned and worried.

Peter walked alongside him and said, "She grew it with her own tears" He looked around him, noticing James wasn't with them. "Where is Prongs?"

Everyone turned around looking for him but couldn't see him.

"He probably went to go fuck himself" Sirius said, not even caring.

Lily hit him in his arm and frowned. "He is drunk Padfoot! Seriously, don't be so harsh"

Peter stopped and looked at her, clearly being a bit mad. "Are you being fucking serious Lily? Did you hear what he told Lucy? Drunk or not, he was being a dick. You can't take his fucking side here. Your fucking crazy" he said looking her up and down.

"I'm not taking any sides. We were all drunk, he wasn't thinking" she said frowning.

I walked off in front of them, letting them argue away from Stars. She was completely passed out in my arms. I could lightly feel her warm body in my arms. The flowers were still on her arms and in her hair. Her nose stopped bleeding, letting the blood dry under her nose.

The halls were empty, students still in their last classes. I managed to get Stars to the Hospital wing, trying to avoid the professors. I was alone with Stars, the others stayed behind in the dark forest, arguing.

I entered the hospital wing, immediately being noticed by Madam Pomfrey. She dropped the newspaper that she was reading and ran over to me, gesturing me to place Stars on a hospital bed.

"Oh dear, this happened again?" Madam Pomfrey panicked, pulling out a bottle from under a table.

I sighed and sat down on a chair next to Stars, holding her hand. "Long story" I said, resting my head on my other arm.

Madam Pomfrey threw a little bit of whatever she had into a cup and threw it into Stars' mouth.

I just sat there starring at Stars, worried if she was going to be okay or not. I wasn't there when this first happened, nor do I know why it happened then. But the second time it happened I was completely scared. James brought her to Madam Pomfrey, Sirius, Peter and I tagging along. Only then Sirius told us it had happened before. We were pissed at them both for not telling us, but we understood Stars' privacy.

I stayed there the rest of the day, making sure Stars at least felt safe. Micheal joined me after a time, the rest coming in and out to check on her. I didn't see James or Lily, but I really didn't care. James was a dick, even though he was drunk, he had no right to yell that, none at all.

I wanted to go and kill him, really. But I felt better just holding her hand, keeping myself calm.

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