Part 26 {Last gift}

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We started eating, and by 7 pm I went outside and sat down on a staircase, looking up at the stars. I was exhausted.

"Hey Stars" Remus smiled sitting down next to me. "How was your birthday?" he asked giving me a slight nudge.

I giggled and looked at him teary eyes. "Fantastic" I said with a hovering voice.

"Hey, hey" he tilted my head up, looking into my eyes. He asked concerned, "What wrong Stars?"

"Everything" I burst, starting to cry.

"Oh Stars, what happened?"

"My mom still disapproves of me. My brother bought cigarettes from a seventh year. I found out James moved on after just three months and started dating Lily. And I ran into that stupid Severus, the one who called me a mudblood in second year. Even worse, I scraped my fucking knees open, now they burn like shit"

I fell into his arms, crying into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry to hear about that" he said stroking my hair. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you feel better"

I looked back up at him, smiling. "It's okay" I smiled, sniffling.

"Here" he said pulling a little box out his pocket. "I didn't give you your gift this morning, because I wanted to give it to you alone" He handed me the little box, smiling.

I looked up at him , wiping away my own tears. "What's this?" I asked taking the box.

"Open it"

I pulled the yellow ribbon off, looking at a little blue box. I slowly opened the lid, gasping at the gift.

"It's a promise ring" he whispered in my ear.

"But Remus, we're-"

"It's to promise that whatever happens, you'll always have me" he said, taking the ring from me, slipping it on my finger.

I was stunned. It was a stunning yellow and white-stoned ring. It fit perfectly on my finger, not being to lose or to tight, simply perfect. I looked at Remus, mouth opened.

"Wha- But- Did- Remus?" I was confused of what I was feeling.

He smiled and hugged me again. "You're my Stars, I had to get you something special" his words floated in my head. His Stars?

We sat like that for a few minutes, looking at the stars and moon. He whispered cute facts about the moon and stars to me, fascinating me with every words. His words filled my mind, making me feel butterflies. I was confused as in why. The more he spoke, the more he reminded me of the astrophile he was. He pointed out stars and names most of them. I started  losing myself in his words and his deep, loving voice.

After a while, I found myself falling asleep to his voice, to his words, to his laugh, to his smile.

Could it be? Was I falling for Remus Lupin? No way. That was stupid. Right?

The Marauder's fifth secret {R.L.}Where stories live. Discover now