Part 31 {Something to confess?}

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*** (Hospital wing)

Remus and Peter entered the wing, seeing James standing next to Sirius. They walked over to them, sitting down next to Sirius's bed. James looked at Remus, who sighed and lied down on his arms.

"I'm ganna kill that Mason" Remus mumbled.

James took this opportunity to shoot his shot. "Why?" he asked looking at Remus like he had a question behind the question. 

Confused Remus look at James then back at Sirius, who lay unconscious. "What do you mean why Prongs? Look at Padfoot! A broken nose and blood everywhere!" he said pointing at Sirius.

"But you'd rather kill him because what he said to Lucy" James said looking at him with truth in his words.

Remus scoffed. "Of course" he said before he sat up straight. "What are you leading to Prongs?"

"Moony I know how you feel about Lucy" he said, grabbing Remus and Peter's attention.

"What are you talking about?" Remus asked confused, looking at James for an answer.

James sat back and laughed. "Come on Remus, I'm not blind" he said crossing his arms.

"We all see it Moony" Peter added, pouting his lips.

"What are you guys talking about? It's just Stars" Remus lied.

James chuckled. "Moony, since day one you were there for her. You picked out a nickname for her, which only you call her. You ditched classes with her and took her to the dark forest"

"How did you know-"

"The map Moony" Peter said pulling the map out. "I saw you enter from that side of the castle" Remus scoffed and looked back at James.

"I see how you look at her Moony, its all there" James said looking at Remus.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Remus lied sitting back.

"Why didn't you hit Mason?" James asked curious.

"What?" Remus asked.

James stood up. "Why didn't you hit Mason? Cause now you suddenly want to kill him"

"Stars" Remus whispered, resting his head on his fists.

"She calmed you down" Peter said looking at James. "We can't even calm you down when you get mad, but how did she?" he asked looking back at Remus, curious.

"No" Remus denied standing up. "There's nothing there. There can't be" he grabbed his bag and started walking towards the door.

James stopped him and gave out a sigh. "Please don't deny it Moony, we all know. And you have to tell her"

Remus took a deep breath, before looking at James. "I can't, it's Stars" he walked out of the Hospital wing, down the hall to the entrance courtyard, where he sat down to think.

He knew, since second year that he was in-love with Lucy Ellen Wood. But why couldn't he hide it anymore? He didn't want to risk anything.

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