Part 21 {Birthday whispers}

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Lightly Remus knocked on my dorm door, before slowly opening it. He looked at my bed, where I was still deep in sleep.

Mya and Riley were sitting on Mya's bed, whispering softly. Softly all four the Marauders entered, each walking quietly on the noisy wooden floors.

"She's still asleep guys" Mya whispered, gesturing to me.

Remus softly walked over to my bed, smiling at me. I was lying on my side, messy hair and still in my clothes from the previous night. He pulled a chair closer, sitting down next to me.

Peter sat on a chair at our vanity and Sirius sat on the extra bed. James stood at the door, leaning against it.

"She came in at 12 in the morning, and just fell on her bed, straight to sleep. We didn't want to wake her" Mya said, standing up from her bed and walking to stand behind Remus. "She looks so peaceful" she whispered putting her hand on his shoulder.

Smiling Remus lightly pushed a few hairs out of my face. "She does, doesn't she?" He giggled lightly, tilting head a little sideways.

"Whatever happened last night at that party really bombed her out" Riley giggled softly from the bed.

"Really?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah" Mya chuckled. "She came in here exhausted, and like she was confused"

James gave a slight giggle. "She did have about two beers"

Remus also gave a light chuckle, looking down at me, still fast asleep.

"We should wake her up" Peter sighed by the door.

Remus smiled. "Probably" He clearly didn't want to, but he didn't want to show it. He slowly stroked my cheek, whispering softly,

"Hey Stars, time to wake up" His voice suddenly changed from normal to a baby voice. "It's already 8 am" He continued to stroke my cheek, smiling at my sleepy face.

The Marauder's fifth secret {R.L.}Where stories live. Discover now