Part 37 {Truth or dare ditching 2}

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"Peter, please state the rules"

James set the glasses out and started filling them with fire whiskey.

"Okay, once again, simple rules" Peter smiled. "You spin the bottle and ask truth or dare. These shots are going to be part of the game. Each time you refuse to do a dare, you take two shots. If you refuse to answer a question, take one shot. We have a lot of whiskey, so my darling dears, we are getting wasted" he smiled and put one of my books down, acting as a table.

He put down another one of my books and put an empty beer bottle on-top.

"Lara, you're first"
"Lily, truth or dare?"
"When did you lose your virginity?"

Lily smiled and took a shot.

"Peter, truth or dare"
"Who do you like?"
"Ashley Parkinson"
"Really? Slytherin Ashley?"
"Yup"   "Micheal, truth or dare"
"Well, dare"
"Here, smoke"

"Oh no" I laughed grabbing the cigarette out of Peter's fingers. "Take your two shots. Better drunk than smoking"

I watched as Micheal took two shots and sit back.


I handed Peter back the cigarette and him over the head with my hand.

"Sirius, truth or dare?"
"When did you lose your virginity?"
"Fourth year"   "Oh, Lucy, truth or dare?"
"I'll do dare"
"I dare you to kiss your own brother"
"Oh fuck no"

I leaned forward grabbing myself two shots. Everyone laughed, looking at my disgusted face.

"You're fucking disgusting Sirius" I joked sitting back against the log. I spun the bottle, landing on Lily. "Truth or dare Lils?"

"Have you ever had detention?"
"I've never gotten in trouble"
"Well, guess what, after today you'll get detention"

We all laughed as Lily realised what she had done.

"You chose to be friends with us, it was a choice" Marlene joked, throwing her with a twig.

Lily laughed and spun the bottle, continuing the game.

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