Part 44 {Nightmare talk}

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"See you later Luce" he said before giving me a kiss on my forehead. I turned to see how he walked away and down the stairs, passing by Remus, who walked back up to me.

"Hi Stars" he said, giving me a smile.

"Hi Moony" I smiled back, before turning around and walking to the railing of the balcony.

I sat down, my feet dangling over the side, in between two bars. Remus sat down next to me, putting one leg in between two bars, and the other in between two other bars. I placed my book next to me, on the opposite side of Remus. He looked at me, smiling at my side-profile. I looked over at the sunrise.

It was truly sumptuous. The sky faded from the dark night sky to a light orange, pink and red. It was like a sculpture that was painted, but it was real. The air was cold, like every winter. I didn't bring a jacket to the astronomy tower, as I usually loved how the cold air flow over my skin.

Remus and I just sat there in silence, looking at the sunrise, the painting. He would look up at me for a few moments, then look back at the sky. I knew he did it, but I didn't want to show it.

"How are you?" he asked, keeping his eyes on me.

I looked down, still not meeting his eyes. "I feel, free" I said, a smile spreading on my face. "I feel like for the first time in, sixth months, I'm finally free of everything. I no longer feel broken because of James. I no longer feel the need to be completely surrounded by people so that I don't get forgotten" I gave a light chuckle, causing a smile to spread Remus's face.

"Even with the nightmares?" Remus asked, catching me off guard.

I looked at him, knocking myself out of my pain-free mind. "What?" I asked shocked.

I was completely confused. Where did he hear about my nightmares? How did he find out about my nightmares?

"Stars I know about the nightmares" he said, seeing my confused and questioned eyes.

"Wha- What are you talking about?" I asked, playing as dumb as possible.

"Stars stop" he said, making me look away, furious. "The night I slept in your bed, the night you helped me with the scratches on my chest, you suddenly started yelling in your sleep" he said, still looking at me. "Mya came running in after Pollin went to get her. I made her tell me" he said, bending forward, to look at my eyes.

"Their nothing" I said, trying to make him forget about it.

He frowned, still not getting me to look him in his eyes. "It's not nothing Stars"

"It is" I yelled, suddenly looking at him. "They're just silly dreams, that just won't go away" I insisted.

He looked at my eyes, knowing that I was lying. He knew something must've happened but knew I wouldn't say.

"It's okay" he said, while wrapping his arms around me, making me fall onto his chest "It's okay Stars" he whispered.

My eyes started to fill with tears. My mind was completely numb, lost of the 'free' idea. I suddenly saw all the memories of that one night come back. It hurt. It truly did.

But a lot less than usual. It seemed like when I was with Remus, everything was just, a lot better. Everything just seemed to disappear.

But its wrong. It didn't feel wrong, but I knew it was.

We sat there for a while, seeing as how the sun rose completely until it was just the cold icy blue sky.

I moved to sit back up straight and wiped my hands over my cheeks. "I have to go, before I miss Lily" I said, moving backwards, pulling my legs out from between the bars.

"Where you guys going?" Remus asked me as he watched me stand up.

I picked up my book and smiled down at him. "We're going to Hogsmeade. The four of us" I supplied, taking a deep breath. "Lily, Marlene, Mya and I. We are going to spend the last day before the holidays together" I said, before he stood up.

"Well enjoy" he said, standing there a bit awkward.

I waved and walked away, down the stairs. I entered the hallways, seeing a few early birds. I walked back to my common room, to find Mya and Riley who have already woken up and gotten dressed.

"Oh my Merlin!" Mya screeched before she jumped into my arms. "You're okay. That's good" she sighed in relief, tightening her grip around me.

I giggled, hugging her back. "You ready?" I asked, feeling Mya let go of me.

"Ready as we'll ever be" Mya said, grabbing her bag.

"Great" I said, dropping my book on my bed. "Lily and Marlene will be getting us at the courtyard" I said before walking back out the door.

Mya followed me out of the room and to the courtyard, where Lily and Marlene were already waiting for us.

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