Part 19 {Half-party 2}

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Surprised everyone looked at me.

"Wormtail, truth or dare?"
"Is it true that you had a crush on Lara in the fourth year?"
"Yes"  "Padfoot, truth or dare?"
"Is it true you had a crush on Lucy in the third year, even after Prongs asked her out?
"Uhm, yes"

Awkwardly James looked at Sirius, looking a little mad. "You what?"

"It was just a little crush Prongs, and you knew I liked her"
"You never told me"
"I didn't tell anyone"
"Then how did Wormtail know?"
"I have no idea?"
"He talks in his sleep" Peter interrupted.

Awkwardly Remus and I looked at each other, not knowing about anything they were talking about.

"Can we please continue?" Remus asked, ending their quarrel.

"Marlene, truth or dare?"
"I have to choose dare Padfoot"
"Kiss me" Sirius said bluntly.

And so Marlene did, she kissed Sirius.

"Okay, Lily, truth or dare?"
"I'll go with dare"
"I dare you to snog Prongs"

Shocked Lily looked at Marlene, then me.  After giving a slight hesitation, Lily crawled over to James, giving out a sigh. Then they started snogging.

I turned my head away, looking at Remus. I felt quite awkward in that moment but looking at Remus made it feel a bit better.

Lily pulled away, sitting back down next to me. She lightly touched my leg, grabbing my attention. I smiled and nodded, showing that I was okay. She spun the bottle, landing on James.

"James, truth or dare?"
"Why did you do what you did that night?"

Shocked I looked at Lily, confused as in why she would ask that.

"I'm sorry" she said looking at my shocked eyes.

"I uh, I was completely lost when I first saw you. When we got drinks and started a conversation, I completely forgot I had dated Lucy. So I offered for us to go to a quiet place where I decided to-"

"Stop" I yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. "Please stop" my voice started shaking. "Sorry" I whispered, taking a deep breath.

Lightly Lily grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. James spun the bottle again, landing on Regulus.

"Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to tell Lara how you feel tomorrow"
"No man, come on"
"It's a dare! Or are you a wuss?"
"I'm a wuss when it comes to love, yes"   "Lucy, truth or dare?"

I looked up at him, thinking about what I wanted to say. "Truth"

"Have you ever snogged a girl, if so, when and who?"
"Yes. Twice. Second year, Mya Tomson, a truth or dare game with a few Hufflepuff's. Fourth year, Alice Nel, she kissed me thinking I was also into girls" 

Once again everyone looked at me confused, unaware that it happened.

"Padfoot, truth or dare"
"I dare you to kiss Professor McGonagall Monday"
"You heard me"
"You suck"
"You're amazing too"
"Thanks. Wormtail, truth or dare?"
"Let me do dare"
"I dare you to kiss Lucy"

"No" Remus frowned looking at the two. Shocked I looked at him, not knowing why he yelled that.

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