Part 55 {Party before Owls}

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I walked down the hallway, on my way to the greenhouses for some peaceful reading, when someone pulled me out of my mind free trance, and into an empty classroom. I felt the familiar hands on my waists. They pushed me against the wall, causing me to drop my book.

"Hello darling" Remus whispered, his lips inches away.

I smiled, lifting my hands to his cheeks, cupping them around his face. "Hello Moony" I whispered back, feeling as he smiled.

He bent forward, kissing me lightly and gently. He pulled my hips closer to him, causing me to half-arch my back. I giggled as he slowly pulled away. "Where have you been darling?" he asked, his lips still in front of mine.

I giggled, feeling his warm breath over my lips. "I've been reading or studying" I said, feeling his right hand move up my shirt.

"I haven't seen you in almost a week" he whispered, as he grabbed a hold of my bra clip.

I moved left, making his hand slip out from under my shirt. My hand slipped away from his cheeks and I grabbed his left hand, pulling him towards me. I reversed, looking at his smile. I bumped into a table, where I jumped onto it, sitting with my feet dangling off.

Remus stood in front of me, in between my legs. He wrapped his arms around my hips again, pulling me to sit against him. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry. With the OWLS coming up I got busy" I pouted, looking at his smile.

He leaned closer, his lips barely touching mine. "It's okay" he whispered, before kissing me again.

Our single peck became a make-out session. We sat there, for at least six minutes, just making out and laughing. I tangled my fingers in his hair as my head was bent down, kissing him. He kept his hands around my waist, keeping me sitting against his stomach. His lips tasted like chocolate, like the one's he always eats when he is happy. I, of course, tasted like strawberries, since that was like the only thing I ate lately.

Slowly I bent down further, kissing Remus on his jawline, then his neck. He giggled, before I returned my lips to his, kissing him passionately again. He pulled away, looking at me with those breath-taking eyes. "This was a fun study session" he whispered, making me giggle. He let go of me, letting me jump off the table.

"We're having a small party in the common room, want to join?" he asked, picking my book up from the floor.

I smiled, taking the book from him. "Will there be alcohol?" I asked, taking his hand.

"No, I don't think there will" he joked, walking with me to the door.

We walked down the hall to the common room, where we could hear music and children dancing from the staircases. We entered the common room, seeing at least sixty children dancing, mostly Gryffindors. I noticed James, Sirius and Lily in the corner, with drinks in their hands. I grabbed Remus on his wrist and dragged him through the crowd of people, towards the others.

"Lucy!" Lily smiled, seeing me approached them.

I immediately snatched Sirius's drink and downed it, leaving him stand confused. "Hi Lily, let's get more drinks" I said, before grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from the others towards the alcohol table.

Sirius looked at me walk off with his cup and frowned. "I hate it when she's so stressed weeks before the OWLS. It's really not nice" he mumbled, turning back to James and Remus.

Remus had a smile on his face. "Stars always gets stressed about the OWLS Padfoot. You should know that by now" he said, trying his best not to burst out laughing.

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