Part 12 {Day after}

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The next thing I remember is waking up to my alarm clock on Monday morning, for school. I remember what Lily said, and what had happened at the party. I felt drained. I didn't want to go to school, but I knew I had no choice.

I got into the showers, washing off my tears. I blurred out and ignored all the questions form Mya and Riley. I got dressed and gathered my books. I put up my hood of my robe, covering my puffy eyes. I managed to sneak out of the Hufflepuff common room, unnoticed. The halls were not so busy since I had stood up quite early.

I entered the Great Hall, heading straight to my table. I sat down alone, pulling a plate towards me, starting to eat. Sometime during breakfast Mya and Riley seated themselves besides me, helping me not sit alone. When the clock rang, I rushed down to Herbology, taking a seat in the corner.

"Hi Stars" Remus said softly, sitting next to me. "How are you feeling?" he slowly taking my hood off, noticing my puffy eyes. "You okay?" he asked moving closer to me.

My mind was blank. I could not think of what to say.

Yes, I'm fine, not like I found out yesterday my boyfriend cheated on me? Or, No, I think I sobbed to sleep because I found out my boyfriend cheated on me.

"Hey" he tilted my head up with his hand under my chin. "Let's ditch" he smiled looking at me devilish.

Shocked I looked at his smile. "Remus Lupin, are you out of your Merlin damn mind?" I whispered leaning closer to him.

He just smiled and took my hand, gently pulling me up.

"No, you're crazy" I chuckled. He smiled brighter, walking towards the door of the greenhouse. I grabbed my books, sneaking out after him.

Outside he took my books and smiled deviously. "Let's run" he smirked.

Confused I looked around, seeing no students in sight. "What?" I asked looking back at him surprised. He laughed and grabbed my hand with his free hand.

"Let's run"

The Marauder's fifth secret {R.L.}Where stories live. Discover now