Part 29 {After the storm}

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We were taken to Professor Dumbledore's office by four of the other professors. All nine of us were forced to stand in his office, together.

"I am extremely disappointed" Professor Dumbledore spoke looking at the six bruised boys. "I have never, ever seen six boys misbehave so badly" he sighed looking at them angerly. "Care to explain what happened here Mister Tomson?"

Mason kept his eyes on the ground, refusing to answer.

"Mister Potter?" Professor Dumbledore spoke again.

Again James reused to answer.

"Does anyone care to explain why there are six bloody boys in front of me?"

"I made fun of Lucy Professor" Mason gave in. "I started the fight"

Professor Dumbledore gave out a sigh and walked back to his desk. "I will unfortunately have to give seven of you a temporarily suspension"

"Professor?" one of Mason's minions asked frowning.

"You eight caused a big problem here. I will unfortunately have to suspend seven of you"

"Seven Professor?" James asked looking a tad bit confused.

"Mason Tomson for causing the fight and being part of it. Theo Nott, Sirius Black, Ricky Glazer, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew for joining the fight and Remus Lupin for also starting it"

Confused I looked at Professor Dumbledore. "Professor, Remus did nothing" I defended, earning a surprised look from Moony.

"Miss Wood, words are a strong power, and in his case, he used it forcefully" he said, calming me down. "You seven will still be here for a week, then you'll be sent home with the rest of the students for the holidays. After that you will remain at home for two more months. Letters will be sent to your parents tonight, letting them know about this accident"

"I'd rarely call it an accident" Sirius mumbled.

"Mister Black, please keep your thoughts in your head"

"He called her a slut sir, and a bitch. I would hardly call that an accident" Sirius yelled.

"Mister Black"

"He did not mean it accidentally Professor, he meant it!" Sirius yelled furiously.

"Mister Black!" Professor Dumbledore yelled, silencing Sirius. "You are free to leave" he said gesturing us to go.

We all left, walking down his creepy staircase. Mason and his minions stormed off ahead of us. James pulled Sirius to Madam Pomfrey. Sirius's nose was more bloody than anyone else's. Peter and James had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing serious.

Peter and Remus disappeared down a hall to the hospital wing.

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