12 Sisterhood (2/2)

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Potion Nova walked through the dark halls of the cavern. A glimmer of light lit through the darkness from violet torch lights propped against the stone walls.

They were a creation of hers that she took delight in a long time ago. The memories of her peers, her parents, and her beloved mentor remained vivid to her. She impressed them with her knowledge and so desired more of their recognition. She felt satisfaction with her ways akin to pleasing those she held dear. How could they have impeded her after guiding her towards this path?

She entered a chamber that stored a long stone table where many of her followers sat. They raised from their seat at her arrival and one closest to the opposite end of the table spoke, "High Priestess Potion Nova. We are honored by your return. Please, enlighten us of the summoning ritual."

Potion sighed. "I don't know why it's so hard for all of you to call me sister Potion. We are known as the Sisterhood for a reason."

She walked past her followers that took a bow before her — "I apologize, but none of us could possibly set ourselves as equals to someone as high minded as you"—and sat before the opposite end of the table.

"I founded the Sisterhood to gather creatures across the lands that share my interests in the secrets of the land and magic itself," Potion Nova explained. "We have striven together in our many research to uncover information not known by many and some foreign to this world. I would like to think our endeavor has pushed our bonds beyond student and mentor."

The regaling following pulled back the hood of her cloak and revealed herself as a longma. Her power blue face frowned before her leader. "I'm so sorry. We did not know this wounded you. Please, forgive our misconduct."

Potion raised a hoof before the longma. "I have already forgiven you, sister. I view all of you as my family, an extension of myself as I am to you."

The blue longma smiled. "Thank you, sister."

Potion nodded at her — "Good, now then,"—and then harnessed her horn to pull a small pot that laid at the center of the stone table. "I need to make a call."

Potion shot her magic inside the pot that held broken woods inside. They lit in blue flames as the smoke rose to the air. It mysteriously formed a circle before Nova and lit a small light within its misty ring.

The light beamed brightly before displaying an image of an office. A lean Abyssinian sat before a desk where he playfully swung a small pink Abyssinian about in his paws.

"Daddy, stop," the pink Abyssinian laughed. "You're not playing fair."

The Abyssinian gave a grin. "Oh, and you expect me to let you simply tooth my coat. Mandy would be so shocked to see how wild our daughter is."

"But I don't want to be prim and proper all the time," the pink Abyssinian complained. "You promise I could let loose when we're alone."

The lean Abyssinian sat the pink one on his lap. "Yes, yes. You deserve to be a child, but perhaps not in my office. You know this is where I work, right?"

"Hop," Potion announced, earning a perked ear from the two Abyssinians. His eyes laid at Potion Nova while the small Abyssinian looked about.

"Hey dad," the pink one said. "Did you hear someone?"

"Pixie," Hop said, laying the pink one before him. "Daddy has an important call to answer. Why don't you go play with Miss Birdy for a bit?"

"Aww, but you promised we would go to the fair today."

"We're still going, Pixie. This will only take a moment."

The pink Abyssinian groaned. "Fine."

When the pink one hopped out of his office, Hop glared at Potion Nova. "I distinctly remember arranging a specific time frame for our meetings. It saves me the concern of you snooping on my personal time."

"Afraid I may find you frolicking with an anonymous maiden," Potion said. "I'm certain a male of your status has a long record of debauchery."

"Perhaps, in the past," Hop said. "But there is no creature in these lands that could satisfy me like my wife. Never have I met a feline so innovative."

"How about we shift to more important matters?"

Hop shrugged. "Your loss. I could have enlightened your clan of virgins so much of adult pleasures."

"Hold your tongue, cat," the blue longma sneered. "Lest, you invite our wrath."

Hop tilted his head. "Is that long neck over there? Long time no see. I've been longing to see you in one of our transactions."

The longma growled but Potion held her hoof before her to signal her to stop. "Hop, I require more of your Devil's Dust."

"Figured as much," Hop said. "Among many of my loyal customers, none order as large as you. However, I'm afraid I will have to lower the stocks."

Potion arched an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"Sorry, Princess, but I'm in the midst of management with the inventory. And unfortunately, I can't spare you the details. I do hope that's alright with you."

Potion's face was neutral. "... Fine then. Send me what you can. I shall arrange a team of my sisters to arrive for the transaction."

Hop clapped his paws. "Sounds wonderful. I do hope to see Miss Long Neck. I really feel a spark to great friendship."

Potion Nova swiped the smoke away, dispelling her magic communication.

"The nerve of that cat," the longma growled. "If not for his resource, I would have long scorched his disgusting grin."

"I want you to send scouts around Abyssinia," Potion ordered. "Scavenge the land and bring me reports of anything out of the ordinary."

The longma gaped in confusion. "Oh, yes, sister. But why?"

"The drug he creates requires the blood of a creature unlike anything of this world. If he's in the midst of management with his inventory, then that could only mean two things. Either he is relocating the creature, or he has lost it."

"The one we've been working hard to summon on our own?"

"If it's out there, then I need to find it. Only then will we reach closer to discovering the origin of magic."

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