7 School Disturbance (5/6)

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Wist exhaled slowly as she made her way into the open field of the school, where her next class was scheduled to take place. Seeing creatures flocking through the track field did not arouse any amusement from her. Working up a sweat for essentially nothing proved to have no interest in the changeling, however, given who was the apparent instructor, she's better off not avoiding any more than she already has.

"There you are," Wist had readied for the ringing voice of an orange dragoness that took notice of her walking down the field. The dragoness took no bother to wait for Wist, ascending to the air and bolting in fast speed to stand before her. "You got a lot of nerve for coming to class late! Don't think Ocellus could keep you away from me!"

"I'm sensing a lot of rage within you," Wist pointed out. "Are you certain that I am owed this much malice?"

"Owed!?" Smolder raised her voice. "You darn right and loads more than that! Do you realize how irritating has things been for after you pulled that dumb trick on me!?"

"From what I heard, you had a moment of passion with my homeroom teacher," Wist answered. "I must say, you were a rather bold dragon. I would think most creatures would do such things in private."

"Don't act like you didn't have any part in it!" A whiff of flames snorted out of Smolder. "You drugged me into doing that. And now because of that, I've been hearing my students calling me a succubi dragon!"

Smolder's frequent hollering earned the attention of her students that were jogging through the field track. They had all stopped and gathered from the distance to witness the drama.

Among them was Luster, who grabbed a towel with her magic to brush off her sweat. However, once she realized who was getting the scolding from her P.E. coach, Luster dropped her towel and sighed, "Oh no. Not her again."

Luster rushed over to the two as it appeared more flames flared from Smolder's nostrils. If the changeling continued her snide provocation, their coach might just explode and cause a massive fire to the entire field.

Doubling her steps, Luster stepped before her angered coach and voiced, "Wait, please. You have to forgive her, she's just really bad at being sociable."

"Luster," Smolder reigned in her flame. "What are you doing? You and the rest of class still have laps to run."

"I know," Luster nodded. "And I will. I just don't want things to escalate between the two of you. Isn't there any way we can work this out?"

"I have one," Wist raised a hoof, earning a raised brow from Luster and Smolder.

"You do?" Luster questioned.

"You bet your pink flank I do," Wist confirmed with a smile. "I propose we settle our difference with a contest."

"You mean like a friendly competition?" Smolder wondered. "Alright, I'm game. But how about we add in bets to spice things up. That is unless you're afraid of losing?"

"I like that confidence in yours," Wist grinned. "I guess it's really true that dragons are prideful creatures. What are your terms?"

"If I win, then you're going to spend the entire week being my assistant to make up for what did. From cleaning the sporting teams' uniform and to whatever I deem necessary for you to do." A cocky grin fell upon Smolder as she crossed her arms. "I hope that doesn't give you any cold hooves?"

"You already so certain you will win," Wist snickered. "I haven't even told you what the contest will be."

"A simple track across the field can do," Smolder suggested. "I'm sure that's not too difficult for you, is it?"

"I actually have a far more interesting idea in mind," Wist effused. "One that is convenient for a dragon such as yourself."

"I'm listening," Smolder nodded.

"I propose a competition in fire breathing," Wist patted her pectoral. "We shall see who can spew the largest flame to name the winner."

"How is that a fair competition?" Luster argued. "Can't you transform into a giant dragon? That's not fair at all."

"If you're going to throw a hissy fit over that and then I won't transform," Wist said. "My base form is all I will need to best the illustrious succubi dragon."

"You're going to be eating those words in a few minutes," Smolder swore and then distanced herself from the two. "I'll start first."

Smolder ascended a few feet above the air before she took in a deep breath. When she exhaled, a large mass of flames soared to the sky, inching high above the roof of the school. The surrounding students awed at their coach's massive flames and then clapped and cheered for her.

The proud dragoness then descended before Luster and Wist with a grin. "See if you can beat that."

"My, those were some nice baby flames you have there," Wist voiced in a complementary voice. "I'm sure the little ones must have boasted how grand those were."

Wist was the one that now distanced herself from the group and floated above the field. She inhaled a large pack of air and then all at once released a massive emerald flame that briefly gleamed the land around them in green. The fire extended wide and far into the sky, eclipsing Smolder's flame.

The surrounding students went silent as Wist descended before Smolder with a wicked grin. "I hope you're not getting cold feet; I've heard how troublesome that is for your kind."

"Heh," Smolder grinned back at the changeling. "Don't get too sure of yourself. We've only just started."

And as Smolder stated, the two continued on their contest of flames, spewing giant masses upon the sky. At each round, Luster became more and more amazed that creatures of small size could breathe such ridiculous sizes of blaze.

The activity the students were previously doing was completely ignored as the students gathered with Luster to watch the performance closely as they cheered for their coach's victory. However, at the end of their 14th round, they fell to the ground with ragged breath.

"You..." Smolder breathed. "You're way better...at this than I thought."

"Does that mean..." Wist breathed. "That I...win."

"Not by a long shot," Smolder snapped. "But...maybe we should...call it draw. If we get anymore bigger...I might end up burning down the school."

"...fine," Wist said. "But that means neither get an assistant."

"I can live with that," Smolder said as she picked herself back up. She then extended her claw to Wist for her grab and pulled the changeling back up. "I'd actually like to see what other surprises you have. There's no way I can't let a creature this talented slip from my claws."

"Thanks," Wist huffed. "But if it's all fair, I'd like to go to the restroom for a moment."

"Almost tuckered you out near the end," Smolder held a proud smile. "Didn't I?"

"Too bad for you that this is a draw," Wist countered as she strode around her classmates and entered the school.

Luster keenly kept her eyes on Wist through her walk back into the school. Through the midst of their contest, Luster had taken notice of a peculiar phenomenon in Wist's breath. Despite her breathing green flames, Luster had seen small residues of red gas dissipating out her mouth.

At first, Luster thought she was imagining things, but the more she watched Wist after her shot of flames, the more her intuition was validated. With a frown, Luster excused herself from the field and followed Wist into the school.

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