8 Paradoxal Bonding (1/4)

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"Do either of you realize the trouble you two are threatening the cause?" Starlight's voice ringed into the ears of Wist and Luster as they grounded themselves before the Headmare's desk. "I chose to be lenient of your actions this morning due to Ms. Autumn's handling, but this ignition to violence the two of you have for each will likely crumble my school to the ground. Literally!"

Luster felt small and pathetic as she endured the lecture of the mare that placed a respecting expectation of her. She was never one to disappoint ponies of their task, but to fail so dramatically and blatantly left a horrid scar in her pride. What would the Princess think of her if she heard that she picked a fight with the creature she desired for her to befriend? And what of the princess's school? Her conduct reflects poorly on all the staff and students of how they guided her.

The thought of their shamed names hastened the cadence in Luster's breathing. Her chest heaved out and in, taking small chances to calm her now rapidly beating heart.

"Luster," she jumped at the call of her name. She met her gaze with Starlight, who frowned at her. "Please, calm yourself."

"If your nerves were this dainty," Wist voiced. "You shouldn't have incited the fight in the first place."

"I—" Luster started and then slammed her hoof to the floor. "—No, you're the one in the wrong here. You should have apologized to Ms. Smolder for cheating in your match."

"You're right about that," Starlight concurred. "You shouldn't try to deceive your teachers like that, Wist. However, that still doesn't excuse all the property damage that the both of you caused."

Luster rage smoked out into a cold melancholy at the reminder of mistake. She would have loved nothing more but to point all the fault to Wist. That changeling is so unapologetically mischievous, it's like she doesn't bear a semblance of conscience in her mind. However, Luster knew she had one and even with it, she allowed the creature to guide her along into her destructive path. She should've known better than to do that.

"The two of you toppled a large chunk of the second-floor hallway and bowed the walls in the first," Starlight said. A sigh escaped the Headmare before she pressed on, "Just when I finally had the place repaired after Smolder's incident, I thought I wouldn't have to worry about another reconstruction in the next few months."

"Aren't you all knowledgeable with magic," Wist pointed out. "Can't you just put it all back together yourself?"

"Yes," Starlight answered. "I could. I try to make a habit of not using magic to solve all of my problems. No, I think I'll just call in the construction workers again. Hopefully, they'll give me a discount despite the princess not being involved this time around."

"I'm sorry," Luster apologized.

"I can tell this is weighing over your head," Starlight said. "But mistakes are things that happen to everypony. What matters is that you take the opportunity to learn from it afterward."

Her Headmare's touching wisdom brought a gentle smile from Luster. However, the soothing wounded to a complete halt when Wist joined the conversation again. "So, does that mean we're scot-free then?"

"Of course not," Starlight answered. "You'll get the consequences along with the lesson."

"That's a lame bundle," Wist complained.

Luster eyed at the mare. The ire she had for her was coming back. Just how uncaring could a creature possibly be?

"It will take me some time to find a fitting punishment for the two of you," Starlight said. "I think it will be a good time for the two of you to finally get along."

"What do you mean?" Wist feigned a smile. "I absolutely adore her. She's just so full of lofty justice and honor. It's nearly impossible to hold myself back from crumbling it all down for her."

"Am I a joke to you!?" Luster asked in a demanding tone. Before she could realize it, she was caught into the whims of Wist's influence, her head thrust upon the changeling's.

"Knock it off you two," Starlight's horn lit with her magic pulling the two away from each other. "You two are roommates now. You have to learn to get along."

"It's an ongoing process," Luster said when Starlight dropped her hold of both of them.

"Wait," Wist chuckled. "Don't tell she's the one that every creature is expecting to convert me," Wist emphasized her last words with flops of her hooves.

"I selected Luster because I believe the two of you can become good friends," Starlight said. "The only conversion that will take place in you will be the result of your own volition."

"The only reason I'm still here is because I was promised about the findings of my home," Wist said. "The idea that I may go under some personal transformation is an assumption that you all are banking on. However, I don't see anything wrong with how I am now. So why not just give me the punishment already, and I'll go on my way."

"How can you say that to the Headmare?" Luster stood appalled by the changeling's transgression. Deceiving a teacher was already one thing that she couldn't forgive, but to be so disrespectful after she's trying to be understanding is going beyond the apex of her toleration. "Headmare Starlight only wants to make you happy and you just sit there and mock at her."

"Guys," Starlight voiced but was blurred by a rising voice in Wist.

"And her idea of making me happy is having me to tolerate you," Wist rose to her hooves and approached the lecturing mare. "Tell me, without the influence of Starlight and no doubt the Princess, would still try to continue this laughable effort of becoming my friend?"


"You wouldn't," Wist snapped. "Because all you're trying to do is get some dumb brownie points from ponies you admire like gods. You're not in this out of the care of your heart, you're in it for a reward."

"That's enough," Starlight slammed her hooves on her table. The students' met their upset Headmare. "I understand that the two of you are not seeing eye to eye right now, which is why I want for the two you to find your own reasons to be friends. I'm not expecting it to be forced and neither do I expect it to happen anytime soon. But I won't allow the two of you to have these constant fights. We just need to find something that can be a good start."

"Ooh ooh," Pinkie Pie mysteriously sprouted out from behind Starlight Glimmer. She dangled her hoof high in anticipation to be picked out. "I want to pick."

Wist and Luster gaped at the appearing mare. They looked back at the entrant door but saw it had remained closed. How in Equestria did she get around the two of them?

"Pinkie," Starlight gaped at the party mare. "How did you...What are you doing here?"

"I heard that Wisteria was having her first day of school, so I wanted to see her again," Pinkie answered. "I was really worried about her when Wist and Twilight were in a deep sleep those last few days. So, I was thinking of making a wake-up party for the two of you. I had all the streamers and cakes ready, but by the time I came back yesterday, you guys had already woken up and left the castle. Hey Wist," Pinkie announced the befuddled changeling. "Do you like chocolate mint? I have this feeling that you love those, so I made a whole four-layered cake for you to eat."

"Why four-layered?" Wist wondered.

"Let's move back to the important part," Starlight voiced. "You were saying that you want to pick a punishment for them, right?"

"I wouldn't call it a punishment," Pinkie said. "More like a learning experience that the two could share. A really fun one with all its whacks and joy."

"That sounds like fun," Wist voiced.

"Are you sure that's fair after the things we've done?" Luster asked, earning a snort from the changeling that she did not take kindly to.

Pinkie suddenly hopped over Starlight's desk and wrapped her hooves behind the two students. The whimsy of this mare was pulling them out of their composure, however, their Headmare looked rather indifferent to the whole thing.

"Don't you worry your wonderful mind about it," Pinkie assured. "I'm super duper confident that the two of you will look back on it fondly as the start to a great friendship."

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