5 Mom? (6/6)

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Wist ascended to the highest floor of the school, looking through each of the windows to find Starlight. Wist was starting to get anxious that she made a bad call stopping to steal some potions. Well, at least she managed to snag a vial of rainbow flow on her way out.

Still, she was peeved that she couldn't finish the hair growing potion. It does wonders to hold a creature in place.

"Wisteria!" Wist stopped at the sound of a familiar voice. Looking down behind her, Wist was surprised to be faced by the Princess again.

Wist perched upon the branch of a tree to camouflage in the setting, but Twilight's gaze did not avert from the disguised changeling. At a closer look, Wist can see a strange green thread being held by the Princess's magic. One of its ends was pointing towards Wist.

"I know that's you, Wist," Twilight said. "You might as well come down. And don't think about setting your traps again."

Wist descended before the Princess and revealed her true form to Twilight. "How'd you find me?"

"Through a pony, you've already harassed. But that's beside the point. Wisteria, please stand down. You can't continue to do this to creatures."

"You've caught me at a bad time Princess," Wisteria said. "I'm already so close, there's no way I'm going to leave now."

"Not if it means sapping the love out of another creature."

"I don't know what I'll do," Wisteria confessed. "I just have to see her."

"So it is a creature," Twilight said. "But who do you know that lives in Ponyville?"

"Hey!" Wist shouted. "Don't you go extracting information out of me!" Wist's horn lit green as bunches of blue wisps emerged from her and shot towards Princess Twilight.

Though Twilight was startled by Wist's sudden reaction, she still evaded the wisps with ease. However, when she looked from behind herself, she saw the group of small blue flames turn the course and follow behind her.

"A hex spell," Twilight deduced. "But how is it following me?"

"Don't expect to get any more answers out of me," Wist said. "You're a smart mare; figure it out yourself."

The wisps Wisteria summoned can passively act on its own since she has already placed a mark on Twilight. Every creature seems to be so oblivious of Wist's glyph spells.

With them, she has either the option to tag an item along with it to make contact upon whoever she sneaks it on or to tag a bullseye on them to make it easier for her spells to hit its target. It's inevitable for creatures to be tagged by her. After all, she has found a way to cast the spell without providing a hint with a glow. It's a unique camouflage spell she learned that she's only been able to apply to her glyphs. Just think how terrifying she'd be to approach her without knowing whether she's casting a spell or not.

Wist's snout suddenly flared and she secretly cast another glyph spell that motioned beneath the ground and went towards a nearby bush next to the school.

A blue griffin suddenly emerged from the bush and ascended above from Wist's glyph. "Guess it is impossible to mask my emotions from a Changeling Queen."

"This is getting nowhere," Wisteria groaned. "Will you two just leave me alone!?"

"Not until you've atoned for what you did to those creatures," Gallus scolded. "They were just going about their daily life, and you had the gall to muck up their day for a simple meal."

"Spare me the moral high ground," Wist rolled her eyes. "Life is never fair to others. Every creature is going to have bad days. If not me, then eventually something else."

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