4 Looking for Home (3/3)

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Starlight entered her office with a sigh and took her seat before her desk. She was happy to hear how Luster was ecstatic to learn all the complexities of friendship that turned Starlight's life for the better. And it's an honor that her mentor and Princess entrusted her to teach Luster those valuable lessons. But…she was hoping for more.

Starlight wondered if she was being too selfish. But it felt only right to follow in Princess Twilight's hoof step; just as she followed from her mentor, Princess Celestia.

"Peers, huh," Starlight sighed. She knew that Luster said it with good intentions, but honestly, it was disheartening to her hope. If only Starlight could have one of her very own--

The door to the office suddenly opened and a blue mare garnered in a formal attire appeared. "Starlight," the mare voiced. "There you are. Trixie has been looking for you."

"If it's about Luster, she's in class with Applebloom. I think I've bought enough time for Smolder and Silverstream to prepare the surprise."

"Hm?" Trixie tilted her head. "Oh, that! That's not what Trixie is here for."

"Can it wait then?" Starlight asked. "I need a moment alone."

"Trixie cannot allow that. It's rude enough to have the Princess wait this long."

Before Starlight could ask, her mentor and Princess, Twilight Sparkle entered the room. "I'm sorry if this is an inconvenient time," the Princess apologized. "But I'm here for a serious matter."

"Princess Twilight!" Starlight immediately raised from her seat. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Yes, please, come in."

"We can skip the formalities, Starlight," Twilight said and took a seat on the opposite end of Starlight's desk. “We have a far more important matter to discuss.”

“Well, I hope that important matter justifies having the humbled and generous Trixie to serve as an errand filly,” Trixie said as she walked to Starlight’s side. “We already have Ocellus for that, today.”

“Where is Sunburst?” Twilight asked. “I was hoping he would be with you so I can tell the three of you at once.”

“He’s been called to the Crystal Empire again,” Starlight informed. “Flurry Heart is falling behind in her studies in magic again. And we both know how productive she gets when Sunburst is her tutor.”

“But why only him?” Twilight complained. “When I offered my assistance, I really hoped it would give me more time to bond with my niece, but she ended up spacing out during our session.”

“C’mon Twilight,” Starlight grinned. “You know why she’s more focused when he’s around.”

“...No,” Twilight said. “I don’t approve of that. She should be looking for ponies of her own age.”

“That’s for Flurry and her parents to decide," Starlight said. Besides, it’s not like Sunburst is aware of her advances. He may be one the smartest pony there is, but he’s also really dense when it comes to complicated emotions.”

“Trixie can’t see it,” Trixie sighed. “Flurry Heart is a princess. Any stallion would fawn over her. Why would she be fixated on a pony as plain and nerdy as him?”

“We can gossip about that later,” Starlight said. “What’s this important news you needed to tell us, Twilight?”

Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled to calm her nerves. “There’s been the arrival of a Changeling Queen in Equestria. She says her name is Wisteria. She’s very young, but has a destructive personality that has already harmed fractions of creatures in Equestria.”

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