6 School Admission (1/7)

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Wist waited for a long time for Poison to come back. The time felt endless as she stood at their ruined cabin through the suns and moons for her to arrive. She didn’t want to miss the moment of her return, but there were inevitable moments of hunger that Wist had to attend to by foraging the forest for love and berries. And whenever she returned to the cabin, she hoped that she would finally find Poison standing with hefty blocks of wood to enforce Wist to do labor with. She only found charred wood that was the remains of her home.

At night, Wist would seek shelter beneath the unmarred floorboards. Each night, it seemed that the darkness only got eerier with the shifts of leaves and cries of critters that resounded in the dark. It pricked the small changeling with a daunting feeling that something was always watching her.

At first, Wist thought she was going hysterical because she was getting impatient with Poison. But, when she took a peek out of the floorboard one night, she could have sworn she saw a misty being within the slim glimmer of the moonbeam. For only a small moment, their eyes had met. The creature’s eyes seemed hollowed out as if there was only a black void inside. Wist widened her eyes in utter horror as she immediately retreated under the floorboard and enshrouded her body in her tarnished sheets.

She never managed to find it again through the onward nights, but she couldn’t help but think that it was still there, somewhere observing her from the distance. Wist truly wanted to believe that her mind was playing tricks with her, but couldn’t find a way to dissuade herself. She needed her mother’s voice to assure her. She needed Poison.

How long does Wist have to wait for it? How long does she have to wait to see her again? She wanted her now. She needed her now. “Mom…” Wist uttered as her sight became rippled by her tears. And then it was followed by pitch blackness.

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