14 Smolder's Revenge (2/3)

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Smolder shot high above the town of Ponyville when she left Twist's candy shop. The sudden turbulence gave Wist and Luster a fright, having Luster screaming her heart out.

Smolder zoomed through the sky fast as the pairs' uniforms flap wildly against the rough winds. Wist pleaded constantly to the dragoness to let her remove the uniform, but Smolder allowed no mercy.

The only silver lining to it all was that the trip was short. Smolder descended before a glamour building coated in pink and pale blue. It gave the impression of a mini-castle that confused Wist. Then again, nearly every building in Ponyville held a wild uniqueness.

But Wist didn't have to ponder on the design. Smolder kicked the door to the building open and tossed Wist and Luster inside. Their bodies rolled against the smooth wooden floor of the building and were shot with multitudes of colors within their sight.

Wist found it disorientating. Even when her body finally came to a halt, the constant swaying in her vision preserved her headache.

Luster sprawled her back on the floor, looking to pass out any moment. If her sudden flight in the air didn't overwhelm her, then this one would likely do her in.

"I've brought them," Smolder announced into the building.

Wist pushed through the headache and tried to get a clear look at her surroundings. What she first saw as random spots of colors were in fact hangars of dresses and accessories sorted across a room. There were also numerous curtains composed of different colors and materials concealing small rooms, Wist presumed to be changing rooms.

Everything held a profound quality that was apparent to Wist. She knew Mandy and Pixie to be fanatic for dresses. They would often drag her into their shopping sprees to serve as an audience to their mini pageant shows.

"Is this a clothing shop?" Wist asked.

"It's called a boutique," Smolder corrected.

Wist was ready to unleash her fury on the dragoness, but then her ears honed to the sound of incoming hoof steps. A green stallion emerged from the doorway leading further inside the boutique. His eyes wandered toward the three and then rushed before Wist and Luster.

"What happened to your uniforms?" the stallion asked. "It looks all frazzled."

Wist noted many creases on her uniforms. No doubt a result of their hazardous ride here. "We had a terrible driver," Wist answered, glaring towards Smolder.

However, Smolder did not seem to care. She approached the stallion and said, "Hey Sandbar, where's Yona? I need her for this."

Sandbar helped Luster and Wist back on their hooves. Luster wobbled on her hooves, prompting Sandbar to catch her. "Yona is in the stage room with the dresses," Sandbar answered Smolder. "She's putting on the finishing touches. So, I'm guessing these two are rather ones?"

"Why else would I be here?" Smolder questioned, and then grabbed hold of Wist and Luster again.

"Wait, not again!" Luster cried and then clamped her mouth; anxious she might hurl.

"We got hooves you know!?" Wist complained.

Despite their protest, Smolder pulled the two through a hallway past the doorway and entered a room within the far end. Smolder tossed the pair again inside. A small stage laid before them with many dressers hung near the walls in carts.

"Yona," Smolder called. "You ready?"

A tall yak emerged from a curtain on the stage. She wore an alluring green dress and shining accessories of gold and sapphire. Wist felt overwhelmed by her glamor, something Wist would definitely recognize from a diva.

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