6 School Admission (7/7)

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Luster laid on her bed one night, contemplating the event from her first day of school. She had never anticipated the number of class subjects to be so vast, an unexpected benefit that Luster fully intended to take full advantage of.

However, her mind drew to that Wist character that started an incident some days ago. The pandemonium she caused floored the scholarly mare. Headmare Starlight informed the students that they had nothing else to fear after they remedied the crazed dragoness that was her P.E. coach. She's actually been rather touchy about the event. And by touchy, Luster meant prone to threatening responses.

But now importantly, that changeling appeared to know a lot about potion making and also appeared to be strong with magic if she was able to give the Princess so much trouble. Thank Twilight that she’s no longer on the prowl anymore. 

Although, there was a semblance in Luster's desire that wished she could have more time with her. Luster never met a creature that she had an affinity for so quickly. It was like she had a kinship with her. Though now her perspective is quite different knowing that the changeling is a deviant. Still though...

Luster’s thoughts sputtered to a close when she heard a knock from her door. How strange; Luster did not expect any visitors. Perhaps it’s one of her new friends coming to greet her. “Coming,” Luster announced.

Before Luster opened the door, she glanced upon a mirror propped atop her drawer to make sure her mane was fixed. When she answered, she stood astonished when she saw Headmare Starlight and the changeling that started an incident at school standing before her. “Headmare Starlight!? Wait, what is she doing here?”

“Good evening, Luster,” Starlight spoke normally as if there was nothing abnormal about this situation. “I trust that your classes went swimmingly today, right?”

“Yes,” Luster stuttered. “They did. But, why is the changeling that endangered the school standing beside you? I thought you took care of her.”

“And I did,” Starlight nodded. “I have come to a decision that I think will work out for both of you.”

“I don’t follow,” Luster frowned.

“I’ve noticed that you have made efforts in the last few days to invite a fellow classmate to become your roommate. By the looks of things, I can see that it’s proving rather difficult.”

“Well, yes,” Luster admitted. “Pitching other students to leave their roommate has so far proven to be an impossible task. It seems like they’ve all become the best of friends...wait,” Luster gawked at the Headmare. “You’re not about to do what I think you’re about to do, are you?”

“If you mean having Wisteria here become your roommate and classmate at the school, then yes.” Starlight smiled at the dumbfounded mare.

“What!?” Luster fell on her haunch. “You’re going to leave me with this lunatic!?”

“Oh,” Wist entered the room. “I remember you now. You’re the one I made mane potions with. Did you manage to finish it while I was gone? I’d  really like to have a few since I’m apparently not allowed to have my old things.” Wist eyed at Starlight.

“You’ll get them back in time,” Starlight assured. “Minus Devil’s Dust. Those go with the Princess.”

“Why is she, my roommate?” Luster demanded. “As I recall, she assaulted the Princess!”

“Your Princess decreed me as a student of this place,” Wist approached Luster and poked her snout. Luster swiftly rubbed her nose. “Whether you like it or not, we’re stuck together. So, I suggest getting comfortable with the idea.”

“Why did you poke me like that?” Luster growled at the changeling. “I don’t know where your hooves have been. You probably still have residues of that drug on you.”

“Now that’s an intriguing thought,” Wist grinned at the concerned mare. “I wonder how a goody two-hooves like you would react to it.”

“Don’t worry, Luster” Starlight assured. “Wist was fully disinfected and cleaned days ago. I made sure of that.”

“What?” Wist now gawked at the Headmare. “You washed me while I was unconscious?”

“No creature was willing to step in,” Starlight argued. “We couldn’t leave your hygienes unattended. No, stop looking at me like that,” Starlight pointed at the two students. “It’s not weird.”

“Did you wash the Princess too?” Wist asked. “How did can you manage with how big—”

“Moving on,” Starlight raised her voice. “I will leave the two of you to discuss the arrangement of the room. Think of it as a start to a new friendship.”

“Are you sure about this, Headmare Starlight,” Luster asked.

“Oh I’m sure,” Starlight assured. “You two have a lot in common. I’m certain the two you will get along...eventually.” Starlight then clapped her hooves before Luster could respond. “Well then, I should probably head back to my office and get Wist’s things. I think we should go out for dinner after. Two bowls of soup aren’t going to be enough to satisfy a growing body.”

Starlight closed the door before the two students, leaving Luster with the gleeful changeling that immediately surveyed around the area. “What are you doing?” Luster asked the traversing changeling.

“Checking out my place,” Wist said matter-of-factly. “I thought that’d be obvious.”

“Don’t you mean our place,” Luster corrected. “And if I’m going to be living with you, we should set some ground rules.”

“Now what’s this,” Wist pulled out a book plastered with bunches of heart stickers from Luster’s drawer.

Luster’s face immediately reddened as she rushed upon the changeling to grab upon the book. “Hey, that’s my diary, give it back!”

Wist dangled the book above the embarrassed mare as she chuckled, “A diary, eh? You must have it filled with juicy secrets then, don’t you? A goody two-hooves like you have to have something in your closet.”

Their rowdy voices vibrated through the halls of the dorm as their poor classmates endured the two's frantic act, fearful of confronting the changeling that they heard rivaled against the Princess of Friendship. This moment would mark the day to a new friendship full of chaos and neverending shocks to Luster’s now fleeting peaceful studies.

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