2 The Key Ingredient for Devil's Dust (4/7)

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Luster hugged Wist after being led out of the forest. The love exuding from the filly was enticing to the nymph, but she didn't want to exhaust Luster while on her way home. Wist awkwardly waved at the filly as the sun was beginning to descend from the land. Now was a good time to return home.

Her travel back to her hut was brief after taking the shortest route back. Wist knocked on the door and immediately it opened to a pair of hooves that snatched her inside.

"Where have you been," Wist perked to a broken voice as her body was being squeezed into another. Wist raised her head and noted the sobbing mare that was her mother. "You had me so worried. I thought something bad must've happened to you."

"You snorted some of it, didn't you?" Her mother was prone to sample the drug herself on occasion to test how it fares on a pony. Wist believed that it was an excuse for her mother to relish on some of it.

"Don't ever leave my side again," Poison continued. "Don't you know how much your mommy loves you?"

Poison has always told her that the devil's dust is supposed to arouse high levels of joy to those that ingest it. However, there are some exceptions to that, like Wist's mother for example.

Poison gets really emotional when she ingests the dust, sobbing about her feelings. To many, it could be seen as an inconvenience, but Wist really likes this side of Poison. To her, the dust simply made Poison honest about her feelings.

"I know you do mom," Wist hugged Poison. "I love you too. But look, I brought all the ingredients just like you asked."

"You are such a good filly," Poison kissed Wist's forehead, earning a giggle from her daughter.

"Stop that," Wist giggled. "Your love is ticklish when you do that."

"And you'll be getting many more as punishment for giving your mother a scare."

"Noo," Wist playfully voiced as she became smothered by many kisses from her mother. The sound of her laughter resounded across the hut, but she enjoyed it oh so much.

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