5 Mom? (1/6)

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When Wisteria came to the School of Friendship, she knew to expect a crowd, but to still see such a vast throng of young creatures trotting around these halls left her a bit unnerved. Were all of these creatures zealous of friendship as Ocellus?... Who is she kidding? Wist considered it best not to roam around for too long else they have her all rah-rah for friendship as well.

"So what do you think about our school?" Ocellus asked the unsettled mare. "We teach everything from the cores of friendship to the studies of various skills collected from all the lands from Equestria and beyond."

"Wait," Wist perked at the blue changeling's latter statement. "You teach things besides friendship!?"

"Well, yes." Ocellus said matter-of-factly. "Friendship is something we hope for creatures to aspire to, but there have to be places where it can be applied to."

"Yeah," Wist tilted her head. "I'm not following where you're going with this."

"Think of it like this: friendship gifts harmony. Harmony gifts unity where all creatures can work together by resolving their conflicts. And in daily life, it improves teamwork and encourages creatures to become whatever they wish to."

"Teamwork and validation then," Wisteria sighed. "Not sure I get the whole value in it. I think I've been doing pretty well on my own."

"Is that true?" Ocellus gave a worried glance at the mare. "You've been on your own?"

"Okay, I wasn't always on my own. I did have a pair of caretakers, but they don't count as friends. They're other than that."

"Sounds like it was more," Ocellus happily suggested. "Well, I'd be happy to enlighten you about friendship if you'd like."

"Thanks but no thanks," Wisteria whisked a hoof. "I'm only here for Starlight Glimmer. So, where is she exactly?"

"At this hour, Headmare Starlight is likely in her office right about now," Ocellus answered. "But how about we hide that cake away before a certain mare catches a glance of it." Ocellus pointed at the cake that she had Wist lug around on her back. Its brightening glaze caught the eyes of many students, but Ocellus kindly turned them away. Less stress on Wist's part. If it was left to her, she would've lashed at them with a small hint of a hex. Nothing like magic to solve all of your problems.

"You said she's occupied with this class thing you spoke of," Wist pointed out. "We should have plenty of time."

"It'll ease Starlight's mind if she knows it's well and hidden."

"Ugh," Wist groaned. "So we're going for another detour?"

"Don't worry Wist, I promise it'll be the last."

Ocellus and Wist traveled the halls and reached a door that led to an office. Wist noticed pictures of Ocellus with groups of numerous creatures and also a tall green...isn't that Thorax?

"Hey, who's the green bug in that picture?" Wist asked Ocellus as she set the cake on the blue changeling's desk.

"Oh, that's Thorax. He's the leader of the changeling hive in Equestria. He's a little awkward at times, but he's very caring and firm when he needs to be. I should introduce you to him when we get the time."

"Is that so?" Wist guessed that makes sense given how her bout with him played out. Still, it's quite astonishing he turned into such a massive dragon. The other changelings she drugged never reached that kind of height. "Well, since we dropped off the cake, that means we can finally go and see Starlight. C'mon, you've already had me waiting long enough."

"I'm sure you could've gone to her anytime if you wished to." Ocellus said as she took a seat before her desk. Wist paused at that response and raised a brow at the changeling. "When you followed me on my errand, I noticed that you would take constant glances at another direction. Those glances always seemed to line towards the School of Friendship. Changelings have the ability to focus their smell on a specific love of a creature, but it's something that one would have to train themselves to master. Usually, that role would go to foragers."

"So you knew then?"

"I did," Ocellus nodded. "But I didn't want to say because I was worried about how you would react. Though I do have to ask, why did you go along with my errand if you can track Starlight?"

"Does that really matter at the moment?" Wisteria gave Ocellus a keen look. There was a hidden intensity in Wist's eyes that Ocellus sensed.

"Wist," Ocellus started. "I didn't bring you in here to trap you. I just want to talk with you."

"And I don't want any creature to know I'm in disguise. Sounds kind of difficult if there's one that knows walking around, don't you think?"

"I don't know why you came here and why you're looking for Starlight, but I saw from how you acted with Lil' Cheese that you're not a bad changeling. Whatever you have against Starlight, I'm sure we can sort it all out."

"If I wanted your help, I would've asked. What I want is for no creature to get in my way." Green flames suddenly emerged around the green mare as the form before Ocellus turned to ash, revealing a black changeling with a glimmering green mane.

Ocellus widened at the changeling's appearance. "A queen changeling?" Wist did not provide Ocellus a chance to react as she quickly cast a blue wisp upon her. The wisp entered the blue changeling and then she faltered and felt her pectoral before glancing at Wisteria again. "What? What did you do to me?"

Wisteria grinned. "While I'm with Starlight, you're going to behave yourself by taking a good nap. By the time you wake up, I should already have what I want."

Ocellus let out a yawn as she struggled to keep her head craned above her desk. "No...Wist, it doesn't have to be this way."

Wisteria shushed the older changeling by placing a hoof onto Ocellus's lip as Wist gently rubbed upon the back of Ocellus's neck. Wist's touch felt strangely calming, tricking Ocellus's body to relax as it seemed inevitable that slumber would claim her. "You're a very kind creature, Ocellus, but you should know, too much of that can make one gullible. I had to learn that lesson the hard way."

When Ocellus finally succumbed to her slumber, Wist changed back into her pony form and made her way out of the office. But before she left, she took one last glance at the sleeping changeling. "You know, I didn't really hate your little errand..."

She then paused for a moment before shaking her head. There was no point dwelling on it anymore. She's already made her move, now it's time to see it through.

Wisteria carefully opened the door, cautious of students that may look her way. When she shut the door, her nose went awry for that scent. She's still here.

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