3 The Impish Witch, Wisteria (2/3)

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"I hope you enjoyed your tour around the school," Starlight said to the pink mare as they walked through a long hallway. "I know my school has some radical differences from Canterlot, but I believe you will come to love them."

"Don't worry, Headmare Starlight," the pink mare assured. "I realize that the School of Friendship possesses a far different curriculum from Twilight's School for Gifted Unicorns. It's only natural since magic spells are a core part of its subjects. It would be strange not to think that there would be many key differences to accommodate friendship."

"You're very understanding," Starlight smiled. "So then, I can assume you find these differences satisfactory, yes?"

"Of course, I can't wait to experience everything this school has to offer."

"I like that energy of yours," Starlight said. "Reminds me much of myself when I was younger."

"You were eager to learn about friendship at a young age?"

"Well, not that far back, but—Hey, would you like at that, we made it to your dorm room." Starlight levitated a key into a doorknob and opened the door into an empty with two beds on opposite ends.

"Wow, it's kind of small," the pink mare commented.

"Yes, well, I've tried to build funds to expand the rooms here, but so far I've only managed to do so for ooms shared by four. This will suffice though, right?"

"That's fine with me," the pink mare entered the room. "Maybe a small room can provide more opportunities for me to bond with my roommate...Where is my roommate by the way?"

"This is one of the vacant rooms," Starlight said. "So I'm afraid you're the only one that will be living here at the moment."

"Oh...Well, that's all subject to change, right?"

"If you like, you can ask for a classmate to move in with you? I'm more than willing to accommodate the change."

"I think I can manage that. Asking a friend to move in, that doesn't sound too hard...That isn't hard right? There's not a lesson I have to go over first to do this effectively, right? Wait, maybe I can refer to a textbook. Maybe I should go to the library for momen—"

"Luster Dawn," Starlight voiced as she laid a hoof upon the pink mare's shoulder. "Everything will be fine. We'll make it happen one hoof at a time, okay?"

"...Okay," Luster sighed. "Sorry about that. I tend to overthink things a lot."

"I can understand, I had those moments as well. Well then, your things will be arriving in the morning, but I will provide sheets and pillows for the night. Think you can manage?"

"I wouldn't mind sleeping in the library, but I did overhear the area to have a closing time."

"We have our reasons. But I promise things will be exciting for you in the coming weeks. We have an event to be hosted by Fluttershy where she will have students help around at the animal sanctuary."

"Oh, I've heard of that place. It said to have a collection of creatures from all across Equestria, doesn't it? I even hear there's an Ursa that lives there."

"That is true, but it will inevitably have to be released when it comes to age. But besides that, you will be given the opportunity to adopt an animal from the sanctuary to raise in your dorms. It's a fun project that Fluttershy had thought of for the school that will help students learn responsibilities in caring for others."

"I can have a pet?" Luster said. "Does that mean I can get a cute little piglet?"

"Hmm, don't they tend to chew on everything? It would drive me nuts if they touched my books."

"I'm sure I can chew-proof my things before that day arrives."

"Well then, I guess I will leave you to get used to your new room. I'll be back with the sheets and pillows."

"Thank you Headmare Starlight."

Starlight nodded and left the dorm room. Luster glanced at the door the headmare left for a few moments and then gazed through the window to see the massive town that was Ponyville. This was the place where the magic of friendship came from, where Princess Twilight began her rise to greatness. If Luster hopes to be anything like her teacher, she will need to learn all she can about friendship...

She's already made some friends. They are a fun bunch to be around, but with so little experience and knowledge, could she maintain those bonds long enough to know its magic? Luster would have felt more assured if she gained encouragement from a roommate.

But who should she ask to be her roommate? Will her other friends be okay with her taking a roommate from them? Would they even accept her request? No, stop, you're overthinking things again. Remember what Headmare Starlight said, take things one hoof at a time.

Luster hopped atop a bed and gazed upon the empty room. This place will hold a lot of memories for her in the future, for this will be her beginning just as it was for Princess Twilight. Luster took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Okay, I'm ready for this."

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