5 Mom? (5/6)

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"We're not just going to stand here," Smolder asked Ocellus. "Are we?"

"I think we should just wait," Ocellus recommended. "Wist isn't hurting any pony. And it looks like she's enjoying herself."

"But she's still here for trouble if she has all that hate in her like you said she does."

"It is concerning," Ocellus admitted. She and her dragoness companion peered through the narrow window of the door to catch a glimpse of Wist with Luster Dawn and Applebloom. Ocellus had conveniently set off an alarm on a locket that Smolder gifted her that lets the dragoness know if she's ever in need of help. Ocellus made sure to keep a hold of it in her drawer when she sat at her desk. Sensing that her talk with Wist was likely to fail, she needed to ensure that there was another creature around to be aware of the potential danger.

As soon as Wist had left, Smolder came into Ocellus's office seconds later and woke the changeling. Tracking Wist was simple at that point now that she has become familiar with the scent of her emotions. But to think that Wist could be so easily distracted...

"Look," Smolder said. "I'm going in there. I'm not going to risk this kid acting up here in my school"

"No Smolder, I think our best option is to bring Headmare Starlight here. She is who Wist is looking for after all."

"Then you bring her. And while you're at that, I'm going to hold her down."

"But Luster and Applebloom are already doing that for us. Don't you think you'd be endangering them if you stepped in?"

"It's okay, I got this."

"Smolder, you're not listening. They're...She's...is she looking at us?" Ocellus backed from the door when she noticed Wist looking at their way. The disguised changeling looked unamused.

"No choice now, right?" Smolder stated as she broke through the door. "Hey!"

As soon as Smolder bashed the door open, a green circle lit beneath the dragoness and released a black gas that enveloped around her. "What is this stuff?" Smolder masked her face, but she already breathed in the smoke before it quickly dissipated.

"Smolder," Applebloom voiced as she tried to approach her.

"I wouldn't get too close if I were you," Wist informed.

"Wist," Ocellus spoke. "What did you do to Smolder?"

"Wait," Luster voiced. "What's going on?"

During their confusion, Smolder began to giggle and then sputter into a burst of uncontrollable laughter. The dragoness faltered to the ground, clenching upon her stomach. The dragoness gritted her teeth, trying her best but failing to hold in her voice.

Wist glanced upon a window in the classroom. She assumed if she simply flies to the highest floor of this building, she will likely find her.

"Stay right there Wist," Ocellus told the disguised changeling. "You have to undo this."

"Oh don't fret yourself," Wist said. "What I gave her isn't that strong. She won't cause more than a few...oh..." Wist widened at the emotions that were emanating wildly from the dragoness. "Ew, I don't be around to see that. I would've just thrown the love potion of I knew that would happen."

A green light emitted from Smolder's eyes as a toothy smile was plastered on her face.

With every creature now shocked by this, Wist transformed into a bird and soar out of the window.

Ocellus attempted to pursue her, but Smolder grabbed her leg. Ocellus looked back to the dragoness and was appalled by the saliva slipping out of Smolder's mouth.

"Smolder," Ocellus struggled to escape Smolder's grip. "Please, you have to let me go."

"Smolder...wants...Ocellus," Smolder said and then gleamed her face before Ocellus's. "Now!"

Ocellus was becoming more and more unnerved by Smolder's behavior. She attempts to cast a spell to make her escape. However, before the blue changeling could complete the spell, the dragoness crashed her lips upon Ocellus's own, surprising not only the blue changeling but the other two mares that bore witness.

"Luster," Applebloom voiced. "Close your eyes!"

"I...are they using tongue?" Luster's cheeks flushed red.

Applebloom rushed to cover the eyes of the enamored mare. "Dagnabbit you two," Applebloom leered at the two teachers. "Don't you two have any shame?"

Ocellus managed to push Smolder's face inches away from her. "She's not doing it on purpose," Ocellus shouted. "Help me get her to st-"

Ocellus's mouth was smothered again by Smolder that bore her claws into the ceramic floor, making her impervious to Ocellus's push, as the blue changeling's hindlegs dangled about.

"Smolder, stop that right now," Applebloom decided to leave Luster's side to try to pull Smolder back. "You're going to end up suffocating her."

Luster couldn't help but stand there in a stupor as she became witness to something quite scandalous. Her only movement was a brief turn to the window where the mysterious creature flew out of. What was that black smoke she trapped the dragoness in?

"Luster," Applebloom called. "We'd really appreciate it if you could give us a hoof here!"

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