7 School Disturbance (2/6)

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"Because I believe you're the perfect friend for her," Starlight answered. The headmare sat before the desk in her office as she gently smiled at her troubled student.

"Yes," Luster started, trying her best to quell the frustration that still lurked in her body. "But what about me suggests that I'm the perfect fit?"

"You have to understand," Starlight responded. "Wist is...well, she is a changeling with a rather colorful personality. Some might find it hard to approach her because of this."

"That's a light way to put it," Luster mumbled, but then gaped when she noted the headmare's disapproving gaze. "I'm sorry," Luster apologized. "It's just that she keeps provoking me and it's already working my nerves."

"I understand," Starlight sighed. "But I am holding onto hope that the two of you can turn things around. The main reason I selected you, is because you are still new to the teachings of friendship. As such, I wish for the two of you to grow closer as you learn more about friendship together."

The confidence that her headmare had in Luster was flattering, but this task seemed beyond anything she had the displeasure of dealing with. Why would her princess allow some creature so dangerous, so rude, so annoying to run freely after the chaos she caused?

"Wait," Luster thought. "Is this perhaps a test that the princess is giving me? Why else would she allow her to be admitted into this school and have the headmare select me of all creatures?"

"I know that I'm asking a lot from you," Starlight continued. "But I believe there is potential for a genuine friendship between the two of you."

"I understand, Headmare Starlight," Luster nodded. "I promise that I won't let you down. But, what should I do about her? She practically goes around and does as she pleases."

"I would suggest finding something where the two of you share a similar interest," Starlight advised. "Try to talk and find what you two have in common. If that doesn't work, why not try activities in and out of the school that catches your eyes."

"I guess that makes sense," Luster tapped her chin. "And I think I already know one thing we have in common."

"That's perfect," Starlight clapped her hooves. "Then the two of you find time to engage in it."

"I don't think I can trust her around potions anymore," Luster said. "Not after what she did to Ms. Smolder."

"Oh," Starlight perked at the realization of what Luster meant. "Right...Well, there are still loads of other things the two of you can try out."

Though Starlight wanted to imbue her student with some confidence, Luster was not oblivious to hefty duty that was thrust upon her. Enduring the association with a creature so crude will certainly push her to her limits. However, Luster was given the hope of both her headmare and princess. Because they hold so much belief in her, there was no way she was going to let them down.

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