7 School Disturbance (3/6)

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With a heavy sigh, Luster entered her homeroom class. As she expected, her classmate glanced at her with judgment before returning to their individual talks.

"You heard how she froze like a dozen students at the dorm house," Luster's ear perked to the gossip of one of her classmates as she quietly made her way to her desk. She couldn't trace where the voice came from due to the countless others that cloaked it.

Many of them voiced her name as if she couldn't clearly hear them. She lowered her face to her desk, wanting to shut out their gossip. The last thing wanted was to be reminded of her embarrassing lapse of judgment this morning.

She already endured enough of it when Ms. Autumn had her and Wist undo her spell upon the innocent victims of their chaos. Luster had profusely apologized to each and every one of them, but Wist nonchalant made her intention seem insulting. Does that changeling know nothing about civility!?

"Alright class," Luster and her class paused when their teacher, Ocellus, entered the class. "Take your seat. We have a new student I like to introduce." An immediate echo of voices mumbled throughout the class. "Now class," Ocellus raised her voice. "I know that you might feel adamant, but I want you all to give her a chance as we do with every creature. So please, be kind and respectful."

The echo of mumbles continued again, straining the smile that Ocellus displayed. She was hoping for a wholesome morning where she would introduce Wist in the best light after the gossips had finally died down from Wist's incident. But to think that her student would waste no time cause another array of disharmony soured the fruitfulness of a fresh start.

Regardless, Ocellus welcomed Wist into the class, earning rigid stares from the students. Even so, Ocellus persisted with as moxie as she could retain, "This is our new student who will be joining us for the year, Wisteria."

Luster raised a brow at changeling's indifferent face. How was it that this creature could hold her composure so well when she played a key part in wronging them this morning?

"Psst," Luster perked to sound of a black female griffon whispering next to her.

"Yes?" Luster responded in a low voice.

"Heard you went on a rampage this morning," the griffon whispered. "What was that about?"

"You see that changeling there," Luster nodded to Wist standing before the class. "She's my roommate."

"Seriously," the griffon said in amazement. "How'd you get stuck with Ms. Witch of lust over there."

"Witch of lust?"

"C'mon," griffon sighed. "You haven't heard what creatures have been saying about her after what she did to the P.E. coach?"

"I don't do well with gossip," Luster argued and then placed her attention back to the front of the class.

"Wisteria," Ocellus voiced. "Would you like to introduce yourself to your classmates?"

"Why?" Wist wondered. "You've already told them everything. My name and my position."

Ocellus's brow jerked but persisted to retain the caring smile on her face. "Come now Wist, there's more to you than just names and titles. Why not share something about yourself to the class?"

"Is this another rhetorical question?" Wist asked. The echo of voices of the classes circulated through the room again. Ocellus

With a sigh, Ocellus relented, "No, I don't want to force you to anything if you're against it."

"Golly, you're so kind," Wist gave a youthful smile to her teacher. Ocellus was stunned by how innocent it was, but knowing this changeling's deceptive ways, she's likely trying to take a jab at her. "Maybe I should return it in kind."

"Thank you," Ocellus said, but now she felt a course of uncertainty from her student. Please, for the love of Equestria, don't do anything to make things worse than it already is.

Her hope came to hollow ears when Wist began her introduction with an unnerving cute voice, "Hi you guys. You may know me as Wisteria, but you can all call me Wist. Those are only for my close friends since we're going to be spending an oh so lot of time with each other. I know how to make all sorts of kooky potions and curses that can do the most unimagining of things, so I know we're going to have the best time together. Isn't that just wonderful?"

Her sweet pear blushed smile earned the silence of the classmate, appalled by the dark undertones of this changeling behind her overbearing voice. It was the sort of paradox that should belong to a maniac. Heck, by their perspective, that's who they are looking at.

"I think that's enough for introductions," Ocellus concluded. Clearly, she asked for too much from Wist when she urged her to try to be polite. "There's an empty seat beside Luster Dawn, please take your spot there."

With a triumphant nod, Wist strode through the seats of her classmates, averting their gaze not to meet hers. However, when she took her seat next to Luster, she was welcomed by a glare by her roommate.

"What was that?" Luster hissed. "You just scared the entire class. Are you trying to make it impossible for you to make friends?"

"What makes you say that?" Wist leisurely placed her chin on her desk. "It looks to me that every creature has already made their judgment about me. At least now they'll think twice about trying anything funny."

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