2 The Key Ingredient for Devil's Dust (1/7)

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"Hold still," a purple mare instructed a filly who was shifting about as she steadied the needle upon the filly's foreleg.

"But I don't like how it feels," the filly argued as she fruitlessly shuffled her hoof from the mare's hold. "I don't want to do it."

"Look Wisteria," the mare started. "Either you let me collect your blood or I cut your whole leg off and take it out then."

"You won't do that," Wisteria called the mare's bluff. "You wouldn't be able to get much out of me on a weekly basis anymore."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll get that leg pumping good again with blood when I re-attach it."

"You don't know how to do that. I've never seen you do something like that before."

"Will you just shut up and hold still already, Wist!?"

Wist shut her eyes tight as the purple mare poked the needle inside the filly. Green flames then aroused from the filly's body as she revealed her jet black skin and long fangs.

"Why in Equestria are you even in disguise right now," the mare questioned. "No creature but us are welcome in this hut."

This mare that has taken upon herself to become the guardian of the nymph referred to herself as Poison Peck. She had told Wisteria that she discovered her a long time ago in an empty cave and had decided, in her so-called "generous heart", to care for her since no creature else was not around to do so.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Wist shuddered at the pricking of the needle as it streamed milliliters of her blood into its capsule.

After moments of her slow torture, Poison finally removed the needle from the nymph changeling as Wist rubbed her stabbed hoof. "See," Poison said. "That wasn't so bad."

"I like to see you try it," Wist mumbled.

"Stop being a baby," Poison laid the syringe on a table in the middle of the hut and picked up the nymph. "You never see me complain when I feed you."

"That's different," Wist argued.

"Course it's not," Poison said. "There's only so much love you can take out of me before I run dry."

"That's not true. You love me so much that you never get tired."

"Now that's a mighty strong claim you're making there," Poison raised a brow. "I could just be putting up an act just so you won't cry about how hard I'm struggling."

"I'm not a crybaby," Wist retorted.

"Course you are," Poison hugged her. "You're my precious little gem of a crybaby."

"Why can't you just admit you love me?"

"Not every creature gets what they want," Poison said. "Some of us have to work hard to get the things they desire."

"So if I don't complain, then you'll admit you love me," Wist widened.

"Don't get your hopes up, but I guess that'd be a start...Are you good now?"

"Yup," Wist confirmed and then Poison let the nymph down the floorboard.

"Good, cause I got to hurry and make this new batch." Poison returned the table and levitated the syringe in a purple aura as she shifted close to a beaker with boiling black liquid.

"Does my blood really help make so much money," Wist asked. "Cause if so, why don't we have a bigger house? I want to have my own room."

"Stop sounding so ungrateful," Poison scolded. "Besides, I already told you that the stuff I make is not accepted by many. Do you know how much trouble I could get in if the authorities caught wind of where the devil's dust came from?"

"If it's so bad, then why do it?"

"It's a gold mine Wist," Poison said. "I've already told you this. There's something special about your blood that no other changeling has. With just a dab of it, you can have an earth pony levitating objects about and also bring so much joy in the hearts of creatures."

"You're also forgetting that it can drive them insane," Wist added.

"Only if they take in too much," Poison said. "It's their fault if that happens, I already gave them fair warning of the effects. Besides, you can't tell me that you find it hilarious."

"Well, they are kind of funny when they go nuts," Wist admitted.

"You're a devious little thing," Poison commented. "But you're my daughter, so what can I do?" Poison slightly pushed upon the syringe with her magic as a bit of Wist's extorted blood trickled down into the beaker. The moment her blood entered the liquid, a black smoke gushed out of it and then quickly dissipated as Poison removed the beaker from the burner it laid atop of the table.

"Can you teach me more hex spells now?" Wist suddenly asked.

"What?" Poison faced her head to her daughter. "Wist, I don't have time for that right now. My clients from across the border are gonna come here in a few days. You wanna learn more spells from me, then go fetch more ingredients for me."

"Oh come on," Wist complained. "Isn't my blood the only thing you need?"

"That may be true, but no creature is going to drink plain blood. Now stop complaining and go get me those ingredients. You know where to find them."

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