15 Monster Brawl (1/6)

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Trixie found herself oddly tranquil at the train station. She sat beside her best friend, Starlight Glimmer, among a throng of creatures waiting for the train's arrival. The creatures bantered amongst each other as if it was another normal day in Ponyville.

Honestly, Trixie found the whole thing boring. Patience was a value Trixie used sparingly. Trixie was in the midst of an intriguing romance novel before Starlight dragged her out from her cozy bedroom. If she weren't such a generous friend to Starlight, she would have plotted a way out of this predicament. It was one of many inconveniences of friendship Trixie had to add to her bucket.

Well, Trixie supposed she could wait a few more hours given the blatant anxiety washed on Starlight.

Starlight's constant tapping from her hooves gave away her unease. She frequently swiveled her sights from the train tracks towards town.

Trixie was practically forced to share her concerns. Trixie wasn't particularly in the mood to be a therapist at the moment, but sadly, Trixie had left behind her book to distract herself.

"Will you relax?" Trixie urged Starlight. "She's not even here yet and you already about to break down."

Trixie's well-endowed encouragement earned her an ire glance from Starlight. Such a disingenuous look was appalling to The Great and Consoling Trixie.

"Relax?" Starlight emphasized. "You do realize this will be the first Abyssinian in history to enroll in our school, right? This is a big deal!"

"Then why not put on a smile?" Trixie lifted Starlight's lips to make a smile. However, it immediately dropped back into a frown when Trixie removed her hooves. "Trixie figured you would be happy about this."

"Oh, I should," Starlight agreed. "But that's rather difficult when that's going on." Starlight pointed towards Ponyville where a pair of bugbears ascended atop the rooftops and dropped back down with their stinger at the forefront.

The sound of monsters roaring and spreading chaos about Ponyville was nonstop—Timberwolves leaping from rooftop to rooftop, an enormous snake peeking about buildings to skim the area, and a winged pig of all things gliding over town.

"You act like this is out of the ordinary," Trixie argued, earning another ire from Starlight. "Okay, okay, okay, Trixie understands your pain. This isn't exactly the best first impression you want to give her. So, why not fix this now?"

"Pixie is going to be here in a few minutes," Starlight answered. "Mandy specifically requested me as her escort. I can't break my promise on short notice."

"Then how do you plan on explaining the monsters raiding town?"

"Ugh, who am I kidding? Today is completely ruined." Starlight frowned.

Starlight hid her face behind her hooves in shame. Her melancholy vexed her Trixie, so much that Trixie felt compelled to bop on Starlight's forehead. "Stop looking so pitiful," Trixie scolded. "My friend Starlight is far stronger than this."

"But I really want this to work out," Starlight said. "But it's not like I can't hide the fact that monsters are invading the town. No doubt Mandy will think this place is too dangerous for her child."

"Trixie will admit Ponyville has a pension for danger. But you forget that it has special creatures to save the day. Isn't that why you entrusted the monsters to Fluttershy and your students? Trust them, Starlight."

Starlight dropped her hooves and glanced at Trixie with teary eyes. "I don't doubt their strengths, Trixie. But I don't think they'll fix things fast enough before Pixie arrives. If only there was some way to hide this from them... that's it!"

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