4 Looking for Home (2/3)

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"I want you to know that I didn't agree to this tour idea," Wist voiced as she followed Ocellus. The errand that the blue changeling promised to be short turned into a whole field trip across parts of the town, presenting places to Wist that she could care less about right now.

Wist was at first elated when Ocellus guided her to a schoolhouse but felt egged on when the blue changeling revealed it to be a separate campus from the main school building. Ocellus explained that it once was an independent school that educated young foals of Ponyville, but merged with Starlight's school a few years back that welcomed all juvenile creatures to develop their bonds at a young age. However, since Starlight Glimmer wasn't there right now, this was all useless information to Wist.

Their next mark under Ocellus's errand led them to a flashy building with a large gamepad placed atop it. Strange how Wist could've missed this. Then again, all these buildings appeared exotic in their own excessive way.

Ocellus pointlessly informed Wist that this building is a renowned game corner that many young creatures of Ponyville gather to play in. The owner happens to be dating one of Ocellus's associates at the school. Wist would find it more enjoyable to meet this mare at that school then gush about her relationship.

...Why is an adult showing a minor a nightclub? Wist had to admit that the place looked tempting, but she had other things on her mind right now.

Is this really turning into a field trip? So what this place was founded by a famous DJ that hosted parties across Equestria and beyond? What does that have to do with the errand?

"Are we there yet!?" Wist voiced behind the blue changeling. "So far you've been lugging me around this place instead of finishing this errand you mentioned."

"Don't worry Wist," Ocellus. "It's just around the corner." Her words proved truthful as Wist awed at a surreal building that looked to be made of literal pastries.

"Is that a house?" Wist wondered.

"It's also a bakery," Ocellus added. "The Sugarcube Corner to be exact. Let's go in, I'm sure the Cake twins have prepared the cake. Since you were patient with me, I think I'll buy you some sweets."

"You better," Wist voiced. "I didn't ask for an overview of the whole place."

Ocellus was kind of enough to open the door to the building for Wist, but before the green mare could enter the building, a sudden yellow blur lurched upon the mare and toppled her to the ground. Wist immediately lifted the figure off her with her hooves and bore her fangs. Though, her ferocity abruptly quelled when she realized that she was holding a yellow filly above her.

The innocent filly giggled atop the befuddled mare, which earned the filly a chuckle from Wist.

"Lil' Cheese," Ocellus voiced. "That's not a normal way to greet creatures."

"It's okay Ocelli," Wist perked to a new voice. A pink mare emerged from the building and then grabbed hold of Lil' Cheese when the yellow filly reached out for her. "She doesn't seem to mind the surprise, don't you?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't find any amusement," Wist admitted as she raised back on her hooves. The green mare then glanced at the happy filly gazing at her and then the pink mare. "Um, is she yours?"

"Yuppie ducky," the pink mare confirmed with a smile. "Her name is Lil' Cheese. She's always brimming with energy. Kind of work the nerves of her foal sitters, but I wouldn't want her in any other way."

"I think my mom is the same way," Wist smiled. "Though, she made it difficult for herself to admit it." Wist's eyes met the filly again, which prompted the filly to extend her hooves toward the green mare.

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