6 School Admission (2/7)

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Wist’s body shuffled about before her eyes eventually opened to beaming sunlight. Wist shielded her eyes with a hoof and groaned as she picked her body on her haunch. An impulsive need to stretch her body overwhelmed the changeling as she relished in the crackles of her bones.

Her sight then finally set upon her surroundings, which only left the changeling baffled. Everywhere she looked, she saw crystals that gleamed annoyingly at her thanks to the accursed sunlight. She also happened to find herself atop some sort of roundtable also made of crystals. 

Wist made an attempt to hop off of the object but was stopped when her head bumped upon an invisible wall. Wist craned her head and hissed at the brief pain. When she recollected herself, Wist placed a hoof forward and touched upon the strange wall again. It didn’t appear she was touching anything, but she did notice ripples reverberating around her hoof.

“A barrier?” Wist wondered. 

Before Wist could have pondered more upon this phenomenon, a large door that stood before her suddenly opened. What came before it was a blue mare that appeared to be pushing a service cart inside. “Ugh,” the blue mare groaned. “Why does Trixie have to feed the menacing imp? Trixie is supposed to be the kind and insightful guidance counselor, not some nursemaid. Trixie ought to—yipe!” 

Trixie startled back when her eyes met upon the confused changeling. Wist had been observing the mare complain to herself as she strolled the cart her way without giving the changeling a single glance. 

“Hi,” Wist waved a hoof at the spooked mare. “So, are you the one that put me here?”

Trixie hid behind the stroller, craning her head down to the floor. “Why is she awake?” Wist overheard the mare panicking in her fruitless attempt of whispers. “Nopony said she was going to wake up today. Why did Starlight pick Trixie of all ponies to deal with this?”

“Starlight,” Wist perked at the name. “You know Starlight Glimmer? You gotta tell me where she is. I need to find her.”

“Oh no,” Trixie voiced as she backed away from Wist. “Trixie won’t have any part of this. This is Starlight’s problem, not mine.”

“Hey!” Wist unfurled her wings. “Don’t go running away from me.” Wist’s eyes then dawned upon the steaming bowl of a yellow liquid before returning to the steadily retreating mare. “You supposed to feed me, aren’t you?”

“No way,” Trixie declined. “There is no way Trixie is going near you. Trixie knows what you did to the others. You won’t be having Trixie as your next conquest of meals.”

“I promise I won’t bite,” Wist tried to sound sincere. “Just don’t go, okay?”

“...” Trixie looked back at the exit and then towards the changeling that confused her with a glum face. How can such a menace make such a woeful expression? Trixie couldn’t believe that her heart was actually taking pity upon this changeling. The troubled mare stood in place briefly, weighing her options, trying her best to persuade herself to play the smart move and leave...but…

Trixie sighed and gritted her teeth. “If you so much dare try something funny on Trixie, Trixie will make you regret it.”

Wist simply nodded as the blue mare hesitantly returned to the table. Trixie’s horn illuminated in a pink light that slathered upon the invisible wall. Trixie then picked the bowl of soup with a rag and carefully placed the bowl through her slathered magic and set it before the observant changeling. 

“You’re sloppy with magic,” Wist commented. “Aren’t you?”

“You’re in no place to make judgments of others,” Trixie harrumphed as she pulled her hooves away. Once her magic had dissipated from her horn, so did her slathered pink magic. Wist prodded her hoof where Trixie’s used to be and confirmed that the portion of the invisible wall was back in place. “Now eat,” Trixie demanded. “Trixie is going to inform Starlight that her guest is awake.”

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