5 Mom? (4/6)

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Wisteria let out a yawn as she continued walking through the halls. For some odd reason, Wisteria feels as if she's been walking in circles.

Starlight's scent is prevalent wherever she went in this school, making Wisteria anxious if she can pinpoint the mare's exact location.

This was rattling the changeling's mind. It shouldn't be this hard. She's already done it plenty of times in the past. Why is it different with her?

"..." Wisteria didn't like the conclusions she thought of. There's a chance...that she's letting her senses go awry. She's able to tweak it if she's like, but at most times it's just to save herself from boredom.

If that's what is going on, then does that mean Wist is just prolonging her meeting with the mare?...No, no, no, she couldn't be nervous. That wouldn't make sense. She's already so close. She should be ecstatic...

"Looks like it's a success," Wisteria perked her ears at a voice. She filled it to a door that revealed two mares. And before them was a table full of--

Wisteria burst into the room, alarming the two mares. "Are you two making potions!?"

"Uh," Applebloom started. "We were. But we're done now."

Wisteria approached the table and observed all of the tools and ingredients propped atop it. She can make sorts of spells with this stuff. Especially with rainbow flows. That stuff is nearly impossible for her to extract.

Her eyes then dawned upon a vial with a thick pink liquid. "Did you guys make a love potion?"

"Huh?" Luster was shocked. "How do you know? It's near impossible to comprehend a potion without an appraisal spell."

"Well, it's not all that impossible," Applebloom voiced. "You just need to have good eyes. And I'm thinkin this miss has a good pair as well."

"If you two are finished," Wist started. "Think I can have a chance to craft some stuff?"

"Students are not allowed to craft potions alone," Applebloom said. "It has to be a party of at least two around for it to be permitted."

"For real?" Luster and Wisteria voiced.

"Yes, for real. Some creature has to be around if something goes wrong. But that's beside the point right now. I've already stuck around long enough. I should really be going to my office."

"Wait, Ms. Applebloom," Luster voiced. "I would like to see what this mare is capable of. She sounds to be quite good with crafting potions."

"That's because I am," Wist proudly said. "I've basically been doing it for my whole life."

"Then I think we should compare our talents," Luster said. "This could be a good learning experience for both of us."

"This would meet the requirement of that rule," Wisteria considered.

"Okay," Applebloom waved a hoof. "I'm happy that you two are passionate about this topic, but you two are still new students to this school." Applebloom glanced at Wist. "And I don't think I've met you before, so you gotta be new as well. What's your name?"

"It's Wist. And if you're going to keep saying stuff like that, then you might as well stick around."

"Wha?" Applebloom faltered. "But I can't. I have documents in my office to file out."

"Please don't go Ms. Applebloom," Luster grabbed onto Applebloom's hoof. "Don't you think this is a great opportunity for friendship for me?"

"T-true...," Applebloom admitted. Luster and this Wist character do happen to share a similar passion. This could be the friend that Luster needs to break into things here at School. But... Applebloom shouldn't be neglectful of her other duties.

Applebloom's ears perked when she heard a lock click. Her eyes tracked to the door where Wist stood. "Then it's decided then."

"Wait, now hold on a minute! I--"

"Ooh," Luster clapped her hooves. "This is going to be so much fun."

"Now, where should we begin?" Wist wondered as she returned to the table.

"We have to try something unique. You've studied potion-making your whole life, so there have to be some rare products that you know."

"I have many I can think of," Wist confirmed. "Hmm, how about we try a hair growth spell."

"Isn't that the same as doing mane magic?"

"I'm not sure how that works in horn magic, but brewing a potion to do the same is fairly easy if you know the right measurement of ingredients."

"There's actually such a thing," Applebloom was astonished. "Rarity would be mighty interested in it if that really exists."

"So this intrigues you then?" Wist grinned.

Applebloom sighed. "I can't say I'm not anymore. I'm gonna be mighty late at Sweety Apple Acre for sure. I sure hope Big Sis doesn't get too riled about it."

"We need a list of the ingredients, Wist," Luster voiced. "I'll write it down for you."

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