6 School Admission (6/7)

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Wist glared at Princess Twilight carefully as Alicorn Princess was welcomed inside the chamber by Starlight and her associates. Twilight stepped before Wist and then nodded to Starlight. 

Wist was surprised when the Headmare struck a beam upon the barrier, as it appeared to have dissipated within the purple glow. 

Wist stepped back from the Princess and furrowed her brow. “What’s your angle here?”

“Nothing,” Twilight calmly answered. “I just prefer it that you have more freedom before we speak.” The Princess smiled and placed a hoof on the table. “I think both of us have slept in long enough.”

Wist jumped off the cutie map on the opposite end from Twilight and glared at the creatures around her. Behind the Princess stood Ocellus, Starlight, Trixie, and an orange stallion she doesn't recall meeting. The illeist mare took cover behind Starlight.

“I can understand your wariness," Twilight said. "I wouldn't expect it to be easy to trust creatures you’re not familiar with. But I would like it if you gave us a chance.”

“What? So is this a part of your Princess decorum to bring me into your side of friendship?”

“Please don’t think of it that way,” Twilight frowned. “I can assure you that no creature will force you into friendship. It wouldn’t even be called that if that was the case.”

“Whatever,” Wist hissed. “So, what now?”

“How about we change the topic.” Twilight suggested. "I can tell that you're new to these lands with how little you know about us. I would like to know why you chose to come to Equestria."

“I already told you that I came here to find home.”

“Yes, but I would like to know what this home exactly is.”

“It’s exactly what I said,” Wist said matter-of-factly.

“Wist," There was a slight crack in Twilight's soft demeanor before recovering. "I want you to describe this home you speak of. Where is it exactly? Or I should say, who is it?”

Wist was perturbed by Twilight's statement and had begun looking around for a way to escape the situation. Her eyes met with Starlight's, who smiled and nodded to the changeling. Wist paused at the Headmare's action. After a small grumble to herself, she faced the Princess again.

“There’s...two," Wist mumbled, but loud enough for the Princess to perk at. "One of them led me here. There's a familiar scent here that I remember. I remembered it to be calming, warm…" Her sight trailed to the open window that appeared to far too escape through. It's pretty pointless to try anything given that she has nothing under her sleeves to use. "And then," Wist continued with a sigh. "There’s another that I know very well. I want to go back to it, but I don't know where it is anymore.”

“I see,” Twilight nodded her head. “I’m sorry to hear that you were separated from them. But, I think I can help you, if you like?”

“Help me?” Wist narrowed her eyes at the Princess.

“As Princess, I have many connections and eyes I can place across the lands. You would have a better likelihood to discover the whereabouts of your home with the survey of my fleet.”

“And you plan to want to be rewarded with something from me in exchange, do you?”

“I heard that you lack basic knowledge of magic. I  can assume that you did not receive basic schooling, right?”

“I was tutored.”

“Then how about an opportunity to fill in the gaps." Twilight walked around the cutie map to meet the Princess. Wist was a bit surprised how tall the Princess was up close. "While I have my resources search for the whereabouts of your home, I would like for you to attend the School of Friendship.”

“...You want me to learn about friendship?” Wist gazed at the Princess with skepticism.

“Why not give it a chance? You might turn out to like it. I mean, there will also be classes that will teach you about magic and many other facets that may peak your interest, but it couldn't hurt to try it out, wouldn't it?”

“This sounds like a win-win situation for me," Wist was puzzled. "Are all Princesses terrible at bartering?"

“That's because it isn't," Starlight stepped before the cutie map. “If you let us, we want to teach you all the things that you missed out on. And, I would really like it if the two of us have more to talk with each other. It may be some time before we can find either of your homes. But, in the meantime, you could see Ponyville as your third.”

“I don't know about that,” Wist said. "But, if you're really offering free lessons, then I guess I can entertain this. But," Wist fiercely glared at the Princess. "Let's get something clear here. I'll only play nicely as long as you keep me in the loop of your findings. If I feel you're not doing your end of the bargain, then I'll take the matter into my own hooves."

"Ugh," Trixie groaned from behind Starlight. "That snooty behavior of hers reminds her of another Changeling Queen I don't like."

"That better not be that attitude you're going to take with her," Starlight said. "I intend for the two of you to get quite acquainted with each other on the weekly."

"What!?" Trixie backed appalled. "You would lock Trixie with this fiend! Why would Trixie ever agree to such a reckless idea!?"

"Because it's your job," the orange stallion answered.

"Nopony asked you, Sunburst," Trixie retorted.

“Then we are at an agreement,” Twilight said. “From henceforth, Wisteria will be a student of the School of Friendship. I believe Starlight has already made the arrangements to assign Ocellus as your homeroom teacher. I hear that the two of you have already been familiarized with each other. The only pressing matter now is your living arrangement.”

“Don’t worry about that, Twilight,” Starlight said. “I already know just the perfect place for Wist.”

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