7 School Disturbance (4/6)

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Trixie frequently fumbled through her papers and utensils on her desk. Every time she heard footsteps outside of her door, she immediately stared at it with a drop of sweat.

If Trixie was honest with herself, she didn't want to be in her office now. She felt like a feeble animal being used as bait for a much bigger, more ferocious, more sadistic one.

"Why must you do this to Trixie?" Trixie contemplated. "Trixie would much rather go out for rock tea with Maud then deal with this."

The decision from Starlight to lock her humbled and magnificent counselor with an unstable force of chaos that has the temper to be the incarnate of Discord was downright the most horrid thing she could do to her. Does Starlight honestly believe that creature won't try anything against her, after what she did to Smolder? Goodness, Trixie could only fear the humiliation and pain that changeling will exact upon her. She'll definitely savor it too after those potshots she made to her.

"For Celestia's sake, why couldn't Trixie have just shut her mouth," Trixie scolded herself after slamming her hooves to her desk. A series of breaths followed from her before she took a deep breath and exhaled. "No, it's okay. As long as Trixie is calm and collected, Trixie can get through this. Trixie just needs to think happy thoughts."

Trixie closed her eyes and repeated, "happy thoughts," to herself like a mantra. Diving steadily into her thoughts, a memory of her famous seminar from last year imaged into her. It was one of her few favorite moments where she had the chance to dazzle her students of her awe-inspiring greatness. It was a shame however, that she couldn't have Starlight as her assistant. She would've looked so nice in a bunny suit. Thankfully, she had Silverstream in her pocket to be a jubilant assistant.

"Aw, good times," Trixie said, reclined fondly in her nostalgia. "What Trixie would give to do it all over again."

"Maybe this session can be a fair trade?" Trixie heard the suggestion from a voice. Her eyes bolted open as flinched appalled by Wisteria sitting before her on a star-patterned couch placed before her desk.

Trixie flinched so far back that she inexplicably pushed her chair over and fell to her blue carpet. She quickly picks herself up, pulling up her body with her hooves forced upon her desk.

"If you're done playing the clown," Wist said as she impatiently tapped her hind hoof on the couch. "Can we hurry and get this over with?"

"Why didn't you announce yourself?" Trixie voiced loudly. "You can't sneak up on Trixie like that! You'll give Trixie a heart attack!"

"You're the one that was lost in your thoughts," Wist argued. "You only have yourself to blame for slacking off while on the clock. Maybe I should report this to your employer."

"Don't you go making threats against Trixie," Trixie leered at her. But then she closed her eyes, inhaled, and then exhaled. "You know what, it's not important."

A pink light harnessed from Trixie's horn as it latched a larger collection around her chair to lift it back up. After taking her seat and clearing her throat, Trixie spoke in again with a more welcoming tone, "Let's discuss the matter of our sessions."

"Like what?" Wist asked but displayed no interest as she began to scratch her hoof upon Trixie's couch.

"For starters," Trixie continued after relenting a raised brow. She also whisked a pen above the notebook she opened before her. "We establish some clarity about our contract and establish our boundaries. As you may recall, Headmare Starlight would like our sessions to be done weekly as a means to review your growth and mental state. You won't be meeting Trixie on the first day of the school week like this, however. No, it shall be done in the end. Which means I will have to do this again later on this week...joy."

"You don't sound so happy about it," Wist pointed out, still focused on the couch she was scratching her hooves on. "Not very trusting to see in a counsellor, don't you think?"

"You'll have to excuse Trixie," Trixie said. "It's not often that Trixie is given a student with such an extravagant pension for anarchy." After scribbling notes into her book, Trixie continued, "Now, moving on to our sets of boundaries. Trixie's goal is to help you find inner peace with yourself as you continue your enrollment in this school. This means that we will engage in personal topics about yourself, so I would like to know what you are comfortable about sharing with Trixie. Do know that whatever is discussed here will not leave this room."

"Why would I tell you anything?" Wist argued. "I barely even know you."

"Then would like for Trixie to introduce herself?" Trixie slipped a fervent smile. Trixie lives for the moments where she can freely gloat about her greatness. "As you may already know, Trixie works as the counsellor at the School of Friendship. Many of the students have found much clarity with themselves thanks to Trixie's guidance. But beyond Trixie's role at this school, Trixie garners a grand status as Equestria's most coveted magician. My shows have dazzled the eyes of a thousand ponies and other creatures alike."

"I don't see it," Wist shrugged after finally looking her way, but with skepticism. "Can't see how some creature that shakes their hooves before a fair creature can be considered desirable."

"It's been established long ago that you are by no means a fair maiden," Trixie retorted.

"Really?" Wist grinned. "Then does one that snobbishly likes to exult about herself can consider so? It's rather a trait one would like to see the downfall of, wouldn't you agree?"

"That tendency to provoke others will come to bite back at you should you keep it up," Trixie warned. Seeing that her warning earned nothing but a toothy grin from the changeling, Trixie sighed and continued, "Let's just move on the first topic to discuss."

"Oh wow," Wist feigned a fascinated voice that Trixie immediately took privy to. "You already have one in mind? Please enlighten me oh coveted magician/ counsellor."

"Why do you believe none of your classmates will befriend you?" Trixie asked, melting away fake astonishment from Wist. Her face was now replaced with a daunting leer that Trixie would have taken solace in for a flawless comeback if that said creature did not have sets of hex and curses at her arsenal.

Wist paused her leer upon the mare before finally speaking, "And where I might ask did you get the idea?"

"Just an intuition Trixie had," Trixie lied. "And it would Trixie guess it right. So then, mind sharing your thoughts?"

"I don't see the point in answering something as trivial as that," Wist declined. "I figured you would ask about things like my origins and whatnot."

"Trixie could," Trixie said. "But then how is Trixie to know you are telling lies?"

"And how do you know that I won't simply feed you lies to your question?"

"Because it is a thought that is weighing heavy on your mind right now," Trixie argued. "You might find it refreshing to simply talk about it with somepony. Trixie won't' interrupt if that's what you wish. Trixie will listen to everything you have to say."

"I don't need to tell you anything!" Wist raised her voice. "Everyone has made their ideas about me, so what's the point in changing it? Besides, it's always the nice ones you have to be the most careful of. Always trying to deceive with their smile and kindness."

"Trixie sees," Trixie said. "There was a creature that trusted that betrayed it."

"..." Wist briefly gaped at the mare's words. With a smack of her teeth, Wist hopped off the couch and began her exit out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Trixie asked. "We still have half an hour left till this session ends."

"I see now that there's more to you that meets the eye," Wist spoke when she opened the door. Her eyes then met Trixie with sharp glint, "You're quite clever with emotions. I'll have to keep an eye out for you should this little play of ours does not work out."

With that, Wist exited the room and shut the door. Trixie's hooves shivered at Wist's claim. And those eyes that could only belong to a ferocious predator...

"Maybe Trixie should move the next session next week instead," Trixie stammered.

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