6 School Admission (4/7)

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Young Wist hid underneath the floorboard of her destroyed home when she felt the presence of a creature. Nights have grown to be an ever-growing nightmare for the small changeling the longer she went without her mother’s presence. 

Wist couldn’t see it without the aid of moonbeams, but she was certain it was there. Peeking above the floorboard, she could tell that the misty creature was there.

It gazed at her. It watched her. It observed her. And then Wist heard it walk towards her. How far was it from her? Its hoofsteps sounded so soft that it seemed to be far away from her. Wist listened closely and hoped for the sound to go away.  But then she heard a creak upon the floorboard.

...It’s here, standing before her. It gazed at her as she gazed back. No words were spoken. No light was given. Only the pitch darkness to conceal the horror that Wist envisioned standing before her. 

It touched her forehead. It felt warm and inviting. Something about this felt so familiar to her. Something she felt a long time ago.


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