4 Looking for Home (1/3)

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“Thank you for guiding me here, Headmare Starlight,” Luster Dawn acknowledged as she took her seat before a table. “I don’t think it would've taken me hours to find this place on my own.”

“I can understand,” Starlight Glimmer nodded as she took her seat on the opposite end of the table. “Ponyville was never this large years ago. It would be overwhelming for any newcomer that isn’t familiar with our home. I imagine would be the same for a pony on their first visit in Manehattan”

“Each of these buildings must have a lot of stories to tell,” Luster said. “Some of which the Princess must have taken part in. I hope that I can learn all I can from them.”

“Then how about we start by taking our orders, shall we? I like to try this new entree the Hayburgers have recently made. It’s apparently a burger with mixtures of vegetables and pineapples.”

“Pineapples in burgers?” Luster raised a brow. “Well, that sounds...extrinsic.”

“Come now Luster,” Starlight chuckled. “You should open yourself to new things while you’re here in Ponyville. Think of it as an opportunity to engross yourself to new cultures.”

“I guess that’s one way to look at it,” Luster said. “Okay then, I would like to order this special pineapple burger as well.”

“...What in Abyssinia are they doing?” A green mare took a seat at a far off table from the two unicorns. The sight of her befuddled the green mare. She doesn’t believe she has ever seen this mare before, but the green mare couldn’t shake this feeling of familiarity she had with her.

The green mare unfolded the menu that was on the table to mask her face as she frequently peered out of it to catch glimpses of the two unicorns. The mare perked her ears at the sound of their voice. “What’s a burger?”

“Hello miss,” the green mare was startled when a blue mare, garnered in a black apron, approached her. “I’m so sorry miss," the blue mare apologized. "Were you still selecting your order?”

“No, no,” the green mare assured. “I think I know what I want.” The green mare skimmed through the menu, but she couldn’t understand the dishes that were written. Many, if not all, appeared completely foreign to her. “Umm, I think I’ll go with the pineapple burger.”

“The new special,” the waitress said. “Coming right up. And would you like any drinks?”

“Just water,” the green mare groaned. She wanted this conversation to end already. There was only one that she was fixated on at the moment.

Once the green mare was finally left alone, she gazed her sights on the two unicorns again. She tried to recall her memories if she had ever met either of them. To her dismay, her mind could only go back to her mother and those...unpleasant memories that came after her disappearance.

But she did feel an arousing emotion. It was so strong and intoxicating, but the mare couldn’t figure out what exactly it was. What is this strange emotion she’s feeling?

Through her dine at the Hayburgers, the mare attempted to ruminate on these emotions and hoped for an answer to come her way. Sadly, she was still confused and the unicorns seemed to have concluded their stay at the restaurant.

The green mare smacked her teeth when she noticed the two leaving the restaurant. This place was ideal to grasp as much information about them. Them going to this “school” will surely complicate things for her.

The green mare left as many bits as the older unicorn had left on her table and followed the two unicorns out of the building. The green mare was a bit rattled when the waitress voiced her gratitude for her payment. Not like it mattered to the green mare; it's not like it was her money.

Regardless, the green mare exited the restaurant and saw the two unicorns walking through a small crowd of creatures. The green wasn't concerned. As long as she held the scent of that mare, she was guaranteed to find them. Better to let them distance themselves from her; just as a precaution to not draw any unnecessary attention.

“Hi there,” the green mare craned her head to a blue changeling that suddenly greeted her. “You must be new here, right? You have those eyes of a newcomer.”

“I do?” the green mare wondered.

“Not really,” the blue changeling admitted. “It’s just a saying of mine. But, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before. Are you visiting some creature?”

“I guess you can say that,” the green mare said.

“I don’t mean to pry, but who might this creature be? I could be of some help.”

“That’s awfully nice of you,” the green mare raised a brow. “Is there a reason for that?”

“We’re all neighborly here in Ponyville,” the blue changeling smiled. “I definitely won’t be the last to give you a helping hoof.” The blue changeling’s smile weakened as she continued, “Well, if you want it at least. I don’t want to force you into telling me if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“...I’m looking for a mare. Her name is Starlight Glimmer. I think she’s the Headmare of a school, right?”

“Headmare Starlight,” the blue changeling said. “The Principal of the school of friendship?”

“There’s even a school for that nonsense,” the green mare cringed. “

 “Why do you want to meet Starlight?” the blue changeling asked.

“That is between me and her,” the green mare said. “So then, can you tell where to find this school?”

“I can take you there if you like,” the blue changeling offered. “Though, we would have to take a quick detour first. I have an errand I need to finish.”

“A detour? Why is that?”

“Well, I happen to teach at the school of friendship,” the blue changeling revealed. “Oh, we haven’t even introduced ourselves yet. I’m Ocellus. Can I ask your name?”

“No,” the green mare blankly answered.

“Oh,” Ocellus was drawn back by the mare’s answer. “...okay then.”

“It’s Wist,” the green mare answered.

“What? Then why did you say no if you were going to tell me?”

“Why not?” the green mare shrugged with a grin. “You looked so depressed by my rejection; I couldn't resist.”

“That’s not very nice, Wist. You shouldn’t play with the emotions of friends.”

“Well, maybe Starlight Glimmer can enlighten me then.”

“Wait, do you intend to enroll in the school? Is that why you wish to meet her?”

“We should really attend to that errand of yours, Ocellus,” Wist said. “I don’t want to miss my chance to speak with the Headmare.”

“I promise it won’t take too long,” Ocellus sighed. “But, this could also be a good opportunity to give you a tour around town. It couldn’t hurt to be more familiar with Ponyville if you become my student.”

“What do you mean your student?” Wist raised a brow.

“Come now Wist,” Ocellus smiled. “We should really finish my errand before it’s too late.”

“Oh,” Wist grinned. “Trying to be witty, are we?”

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