16 Magic Lesson (2/3)

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Wist followed Thorax through the corridors of the crystal castle. Wist cringed at the brightness reflecting from the crystalline walls. She could not fathom how any creature could operate with so many bright lights beaming at them.

At least dim the lights for guests, Wist thought.

"I really want to thank you for accepting my offer," Thorax spoke as Wist lidded her eyes to elude the bright lights. She kept track of Thorax's hind legs to guide her. "It's not often I get to do this."

"Well, I don't see how I could pass on free spells," Wist reasoned. "I mean, every creature here are passing it around to me like a fire sale."

"Or maybe a gift of friendship," Thorax suggested. "...Say, why do you have your eyes closed like that?"

"Not used to bright lights like this. I'm more surprised you can put up with it. Aren't you a changeling too? Well, I guess you're not exactly the same as me."

"Oh no, I think I understand. We changeling typically habit dark areas. You can imagine how unnerving on the eyes it is when that changeling enters a more serene space. But, just like all creatures of Equestria, we adapt."

"Or maybe they could dim the lights a bit," Wist grumbled.

Wist resigned to endure the brightness until they happen upon a black door that stuck out immediately from the glistening and diamond-wadded doors. She cautiously followed behind Thorax as he entered, looming over to catch a peek of the room.

Hallowed out of furnishings and adornments, the room simply hosted the blasted crystal walls and a pair of familiar changelings, Pharynx and Ocellus. Wist had considered an empty room a possibility. With a castle that held a dozen rooms for each of its many corridors, Wist could not imagine Starlight and Trixie to have the assets to fill the place. Her headmaster and counselor had overshot their wealth.

A fair conclusion in Wist's eyes. Why would two mares require massive place like to live in the first place? They already have a big school for their hundreds of students, where does a personal castle fit in the equation? But to cover her tracks. "Why is this place empty?" Wist asked.

"This place is Starlight's testing ground for all the spells she had formulated over the years," Ocellus answered. "Some of her experiments had led to unforeseen events that leaked into the public. She had since taken measures to prevent anymore from happening again."

"A bit of chaos couldn't hurt anyone," Wist chuckled. "I'm disappointed that she's been holding out on me."

"Don't go sounding like Discord," Pharynx said. "I rather not have two crazed creatures in my life. Especially one that is a Queen."

Wist had taken a brief glance at the crystal walls that still annoys her. However, she realized a speckles on black stained upon them, or within to be precise.

She brushed her hoof on the crystal wall and dared to peer close. There were numerous gravel-shaped objects sprawled inside. "Now what's this?" Wist wondered. "I haven't seen these around."

"Those are changlecites," Thorax answered. "They serve wonders to hinder non-changeling magic. Starlight however had hired the mind of Maud to mold the changelicte to prevent any magical activity from escaping this room."

"Resources I'm sure you've donated to her, right?"

"Anything to stop her experiments from harming others," Thorax admitted. "I would hate to remove my changelings from her school for that reason."

"Really now," Wist said with slight rise in her pitch. "I didn't think you had it in you. And here I thought you were servant playing king for the changelings."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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