13 Hivemind (3/3)

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The whim on Wist ran low when she exited the School of Friendship. No ploy or prank could wound a wicked smile on her face.

And yet Snowflake tried to beat the odds by warming him with a brush of his ivory fur. Wist rewarded him with another rub on his chin and a small smile. But they both knew it was forced.

Wist eventually wandered into the streets of Ponyville. There was no purpose in being here. Her shift at the candy shop was tomorrow and Pinkie had taken her son to visit their family at a rock farm, whatever that's supposed to be.

But even with these thoughts, her mind would wander back to the tale she told Counsellor Trixie. Of her mother, whom she longed to see again. Whom she wanted to spend another nostalgic time in the forest.

But Wist no longer knew where that forest was. And neither her mother, who was the only pony that made it whole.

Wist stared at the passing residents of Ponyville. Ponies dined outside a restaurant with feigned confidence. A griffon and pony pair lulled atop a rooftop, staring at the sky. Wist could see them going about their lives in this strange town of trusting creatures.

What shocked her was how none were taken aback by her presence. A week ago, she had assaulted their beloved princes and ripped the love of countless Equestrians. How was it so easy for them to pass that?

She found it so odd. But then again, it saved her a lot of stress to doubt them. It was strange.

If only mom could make sense of this for me. She wondered.

Wist perked to a call from Snowflake. His paw crawled onto Wist's side, beckoning for her attention. Wist stopped and grabbed it.

"You're such a baby," Wist chuckled. "I've already told you I'm fine."

Wist lowered Snowflake's paw to the ground and then groomed his neck. He purred softly, like a cat.

As pedestrians walked past her, she made brief glances around her. She could still find no source of contempt fixed upon her.

However, she noted a light blue changeling walking among the crowd. Wist honed her sight upon the changeling.

"Ms. Ocellus?" Wist said.

Ocellus paused at the mention of her name and found Wist. After a surprising gander, Ocellus approached her student.

"I didn't think I would find you in town," Ocellus said. "Did you have a shift at the candy shop today"–Ocellus jumped back when she noted Snowflake at Wist's side–Is that an Ursa Minor? "

Wist grinned. "Pretty neat, huh?" Wist took a step back and waved her hoof presenting at her pet. "I'd like you to meet Snowflake, my powerful and adorable familiar."

Ocellus tilted her head. Her eyes fixed upon Snowflake as if she was piecing together an artwork.

Ocellus smiled. "I can see he loves you quite a lot. You must have showered with attentive care."

Wist's proud grin dulled into a frown. "Really? That's what intrigues you? Not the part that I have a pet, Ursa Minor? Come on, you have admitted it's an impressive feat."

Ocellus crouched before Snowflake. The Ursa gave a growl at her, but Ocellus's warm smile swung him perplexed.

"Oh my," Ocellus said. "You've had such a hard life. I'm so glad that you found a pleasant home with Wist."

Wist raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Did you do something?"

Ocellus raised before Wist and brushed her leg of dirt. "You know changelings can read the emotions of others. However, if one trains hard enough, you may have them tell stories about its owner."

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