7 School Disturbance (6/6)

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Wist spat her mouth erratically in the sink of a restroom as she tried to remove the spicy aftertaste still looming on her tongue. She washed her tone with the faucet water, but the burning and prickling sensation wouldn't budge off of her.

"If I knew it was going to be this spicy," Wist complained as she looked at her tongue through the reflection of the mirror. "I would've mixed in something to mild it down. No, that probably would've ruined it."

As Wist was contemplating in her mind, it was all disrupted when she heard a loud burst of the restroom door opening. Observing through the mirror, she saw her roommate barging in with all too evident lividness in her eyes.

"Explain to me what this is?" Luster demanded as she walked beside Wist and presented a vial. Within it lay a miniscule of an orange liquid, that immediately stung Wist's nose.

"You're the one showing it to me," Wist argued as she averted her nose from the stinging aroma. "You tell me."

"Don't try to feign ignorance," Luster retorted. "You know good and well what this is. This was in one notebook for Apple Bloom's class on how to produce a fire breathing potion. You used this to cheat in the competition with coach Smolder, didn't you?"

"Aren't you the perceptive one," Wist grinned, but then immediately dunk her tongue back into the running water. After tapping her tongue upon the top of her gums, she continued, "But I don't recall there ever being rules in my match."

"You had that fire breathing contest planned from the start just so you could get coach Smolder off your back," Luster argued. "Don't you feel the least bit guilty for deceiving her like that?"

"On the contrary, I think this has been a productive use of my time," Wist argued. "I had never concocted something like that before, and it was rather convenient that all the ingredients I needed were already stored at the lab."

"You mean the ingredients you used without the permission of the staff," Luster pointed out.

"What does it matter?" Wist asked after dunking another stream of water upon her tongue. "It all worked out in the end. I should be getting praised for this. I did solve a friendship problem after all."

"You can't solve friendship problems with lies," Luster voiced. "All it will do is exacerbate the problem. Just what do you think is going to happen when Smolder finds out about this?"

"Oh," Wist eyed at Luster. "So, you're going to snitch on me? You would rather hurt Smolder's feelings by unraveling my little white lie then let her be happy?"

"What I want," Luster voiced. "Is for you to go back on that field and apologize to her. Take responsibility for your actions for once in your life."

"And what will you don't if I say no," Wist prodded her eyes close to Luster, flinching the mare to back a few steps. "Will you go flee to the grownups like the little coward, or would you rather make me?"

"I..." Luster started but then paused before the changeling. The nerve of this creature to be so uncaring, so selfish about her actions made Luster want nothing more than to put her in her place. However, this same creature was able to have a stand still with her princess. And more importantly than that, she had Luster create disharmony this morning. "I don't want to cause another feud in the school," Luster said. "I really want to be your friend, but this nonchalant about others makes it really difficult for me. Can't you just try to be a good changeling?"

"So, you choose to do nothing then?" Wist held a wicked grin upon Luster. After turning off the faucet, the changeling proudly strode past the mare. "I figured as much. You creatures that are so avid for peace and decorum are always such a pushover."

Luster stood aghast at the changeling's words. Luster tried to be reasonable with her, but again, she continues to flaunt her uncaring demeanor upon her. Upon every creature that she wronged.

Luster's blood riled as she shot out of the restroom. Out, she saw the apathetic bug walking down the hall. Luster wasted no time stretching a yellow light from her horn that enshrouded around the changeling.

"Hm?" Wist voiced as she turned to see the determined mare.

Luster lifted Wist above the air as she said, "I won't let you go around and do as you please. Whether you like it or not, you're going to learn to be considerate of others' feelings. And that's why I'm taking you straight to Starlight."

"So, it's a half-measure then," Wist said. "But, if you plan to drag me around, you'll have to try harder than this."

A green glow discharged from Wist's horn, shattering Luster's magic from her. Wist took her spot on the floor as she charged a hazy glow of wisp from her horn that glided towards Luster.

Luster blasted the wisp with a magic beam, but her spell simply went through it and exploded upon the ceiling far behind Wist that leveled down to the floor. Luster lacked the time to regret her action as she dived out of the course of the incoming wisp.

With her back against the wall, the Luster gaped at the looming wisp that changed course and went straight for her again. Luster teleported behind the wisp before it could touch her as it phased through the wall.

After a huff of air, Luster voiced, "What kind of spell is this?"

"I hope you're not expecting me to give you an answer," Wist scoffed. "You still have another to worry about." Wist shot out another wisp that Luster instinctively shot out again before diving out of its path again.

Luster's eyes trailed back to the wall she was previously at, where the first wisp returned and came straight for her. And with the second and even a third that Wist had shot out, Luster fluttered in panic as her horn shone bright and discharged bright light blinded the hall in complete white.

When the light had cleared, Luster gaped at the destruction she made. The walls and locker rooms had been crushed back from the sheer force of the magic she unleashed. The long windows that revealed the empty classrooms shattered into pieces and scattered inside.

The only silver lining to this was that the wisp that Wist had released how now disappeared. However, Luster frowned and voiced, "What have I done?"

"You countered my hex?" Wist approached the crouched mare. "I didn't think that was possible. What was the spell you used?"

"I—" Before Luster could continue, a large blue light shot over the two, wrapping the two in a thick bubble that their body bounced briefly as it hurled them to the air. "—huh?"

"What do you two think you're doing!?" the voice came from their very angry headmare as she reeled the two bubbles before her.

"Headmare Starlight," Luster gaped with distress. "I'm so sorry about this. Don't worry though, I can fix this."

"The only thing you two will be doing is coming into my office," Starlight said.

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