15 Monster Brawl (6/6)

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"Why are these two here!?" Wist shouted at Starlight, pointing at Pixie and Georgia dropping their luggage into Wist and Luster's bedroom.

Their bed had been redesigned as a bunk bed where Georgia and Pixie laid their belongings on the top.

"Mandy specifically requested for Pixie to be kept under your watch during her tenure at school," Starlight answered. "I think it makes sense."

"Then why is she here?" Wist pointed at Georgia. "Doesn't she already have a room?"

"My roommate had to go home for the rest of the year," Georgia said. "Complications at home. Principal Starlight thought I'd be lonely without a roommate, so she recommended me to move here."

"Don't be a spoiled sport, Wist," Luster said. "The more the merrier I say."

"Anyways, I call for the bed on Luster's side," Georgia declared. "I don't trust having Wist under me."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Pixie cheered as she jumped atop the top bed on Wist's side. "Then I get to share this side with big sis!"

Georgia approached Pixie, confusing the kitten with her observation. "I've never seen an abyssinian up close," Georgia said. "Definitely didn't know y'all can be pink."

Pixie poked on Georgia's beak, baffling the griffon. "Wow, it's thick. Hey, can I see your wings?"

"What, never seen a griffon before? Well, if you let me see your ears, I think that'll make a fair trade."

"This is an utter infringement to my privacy!" Wist complained.

"Don't worry Wist," Starlight said. "There's always more joy to a bigger group of friends."

Wist looked behind her and see Pixie getting chummy with Luster and Georgia. The little kitten harassed their many features as Luster and Georgia relished in her curiosity.

"Fine," Wist sighed. "But don't you think it's unfair I'm being drowned with so much responsibility. When I'm finally going to get something in return. And no, I don't just mean Snowflake."

"Well," Starlight started. "I could offer you some lessons in magic. I see that you're still struggling with the basics. If you like, I could give you a better insight."

"Deal!" Wist immediately said. "I'll show up tomorrow morning."

"Wait, really?" Starlight said, astonished. "You're not going to ask why I'm offering this to you?"

Wist surprised Starlight again when she pulled Starlight's collar and pulled the unicorn near her face. "You're the reason I've been dragged around town with all of these endless tasks I never asked for. It's about time you took responsibility for it. Besides, who'd make a better teacher than the principal?"

Starlight paused at Wist's forwardness. She knew the changeling to be elusive with her intentions. There may be some truth in her words, however, Starlight held intuition there was more to it than just a tradeoff.

Starlight smiled and patted Wist's head. "Fair enough," she said. "Then I hope to see you at my castle tomorrow."

"Good," Wist said and released her grip on Starlight. "It's about time you did this. I can't believe it took you this long. What fool sits around when there's a creature full of potential."

"You wanted my attention that badly?" Starlight asked. "Oh, I'm so sorry to have neglected you for this long."

"That's not what I meant!" Wist shouted. "For Abyssinia's sake, what is with you ponies in reading too much in my words! I hate it here!"

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