6 School Admission (3/7)

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Wist was dreadfully bored while waiting for any creature to appear through the door. The least Wist would have expected these Equestrians to do was provide their prisoner with something to keep them entertained. They are supposed to be creatures that show kindness to others, even to the mischievous, right?

Wist grew tired of spinning the bowl about as she found no way to slip through this barrier that they contained her in. Without her magic, the best option she had was forcing her way out, but there’s no way she could believe she could shatter the table made of crystal. She would only crack her hooves in the process.

Thankfully, her ears perked at the door finally opening again. The creature that emerged was the blue changeling that she recalled placing a sleeping spell upon. “Oh,” Wist was dissatisfied. “It’s you.”

“I know that you want to see Starlight,” Ocellus stated as she stepped before Wist. “But with the Princess out of it, you have placed her under more responsibilities that she would like.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means,” Ocellus emphasized. “That Starlight is temporarily the Princess until the real one is awake. Luckily, she has Ambassador Spike for guidance.”

“Hey,” Wist started. “I’m sensing some frustration in you. You don’t happen to have something against me, do you?”

“You mean besides placing the Princess unconscious and causing hysteria at the school?” Ocellus growled. “I wonder what it could be.”

“...It’s the dragon, isn’t it?”

“Her name is Smolder,” Ocellus corrected. “And what you had her do to me has become another talk of the school. Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to have so many of my students see me in such a compromising position!?”

“You Equestrians sure are strange,” Wist tapped her chin. “The Devil’s Dust is supposed to make creatures go wild in joy with a hysterical amount of added magic. Those other behaviors are normally not supposed to happen. And yet they’ve been  pretty frequent with you all.”

“Who cares about that!?” Ocellus raised her voice. “You made me and Smolder look like sexual deviants in front of our friends and students. I don’t know if I’ll ever be looked the same way again.”

“To be fair, I only gave her a small push,” Wist argued. “Her reaction only shows that she had a lot of repressed urges. I would argue that it was a bit therapeutic for her.”

Wist’s excuse only earned herself a glare from Ocellus. “Okay, okay,” Wist raised her hooves. “I can clearly see that you’re upset. So maybe drugging your friend wasn’t all that great of an idea.”

“You’ve only realized that now?” Ocellus leered at the changeling.

“I’m sorry, okay!” Wist voiced. “Is that what you want to hear!?”

“...It’s a start,” Ocellus sighed. “At least you’re not one to think you’re always in the right.”

“So,” Wist started. “Any ideas of what you and your friends have planned for me?”

“That’s not up to me,” Ocellus stated. “That decision belongs to—”

“The Princess,” Wist finished. “Yeah, yeah, I heard that same spiel from another creature. Could you at least list me the possibilities here?”

Ocellus placed her hoof upon the barrier, matching them to the opposite side where Wist had hers. “Wist, I promise you that you can trust Princess Twilight. Despite the things you’ve done already, it can still be forgiven. Her judgment will be fair and I’m certain you will see that way as well.”

“Because of friendship, right?”

“And because she wants to help you,” Ocellus added. “You know, all of this could have been avoided if you just asked for help?”

“You expect me to trust creatures I’ve never met before. Yeah, cause that worked so well for me in the past.” Wist sarcastically said.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Wist averted her gaze from Ocellus then walked and lay on the opposite end of the table. “No.”

“Would like something else to eat?” Ocellus asked after noting the empty bowl.

“I could go for a refill. Whoever made that soup soaked it with a lot of love.”

“I’m not surprised,” Ocellus chuckled as she shot her magic into the barrier, creating a pink clear-cut portal for the changeling to stretch her hooves into to grab the bowl. “Applejack takes great pride in her apples.”

“Who’s that?”

“I’m sure you’ll meet her soon enough. Right now, I’ll go see if she’s still around in the castle. We can talk more when I come back.”

And again, Wist was left in her lonesome. It was a bit surreal to see her jailers be so kind to her. These creatures were far unlike the ones she dealt with back in Abyssinia. Of all of the kittens she dealt with in that land, there was only one among them she found trustworthy. “I wonder if he’s mad at me too.”

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