3 The Impish Witch, Wisteria (1/3)

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Twilight sparked her existence upon an uncomfortably quiet village as she made a swift descent upon the streets. Her eyes were fierce as she tried to take note of her surroundings. It brought her distraught to see her ponies so fatigued upon their porches and streets as some slept and groaned in exhaustion.

Twilight grew anxious when she saw a trail of changeling guards immobilized along with her ponies as they appeared to have fallen asleep. She needed to find Thorax fast before he suffered the same fate.

Twilight had just recently finished her meeting with the council of friendship when she received a sudden scroll from Thorax. She struck again and Thorax was about to make contact with her.

Twilight did not anticipate that she would make it this far into Equestria. Only days ago did Thorax inform Twilight about her passing across the Changeling Kingdom. Twilight had collaborated with Thorax to set their guards across the borders of Equestria and nearby towns to confront her, but somehow she managed to slip through the cracks.

This normal village of ponies held no chance to resist the creature that came before them. She had failed to protect them, but that is not to say that she can still not save them.

Crossing another street full of fatigued ponies and changelings, Twilight perked her ears upon a familiar voice. "You can't continue to do this. Sapping the love of other creatures is no longer the way of the changelings."

"Why are you lumping me with your whole group of followers?" That voice, it must be her. "I am me, no creature else."

Before Twilight stood Thorax, absent of fatigue or bruises, gazing upon the roof of a house. Atop that roof was her. The creature that has caused recent chaos in Twilight's kingdom. The sight of this being gave her an uncomfortable nostalgia, but she was determined to not let the same disaster repeat itself.

Twilight flew to Thorax's side as she called to him, "Thorax, are you okay?"

"Princess Twilight," Thorax said. "So glad you're here. Maybe you can help me reason with her."

"Princess Twilight?" the creature atop the roof spoke. "So you're the ruler of Equestria?"

"I am many of its protectors," Twilight spoke. "Might I ask who you are? It's not often one comes across a changeling queen."

"Huh?" the creature appeared befuddled. "Why do creatures keep calling me that? I'm not some prissy queen, okay? I am a witch."

"A witch?" Twilight raised a brow and then turned to Thorax. "You didn't mention that in the scroll."

"She's just misguided," Thorax said. "She is a queen, but she is also very young. Her ways are just influenced by the hive she resides from. We just need to give her a helping hoof in the right direction."

"Oh my goodness," the witch rolled her eyes. "Please tell me this is not another of your preach about friendship. I already told you that I don't care about that."

"Then what is that you care for?" Twilight asked. "Why have you come to Equestria?"

"To find home of course," the witch said. "It's got to be somewhere here in these lands."

"Then this is not the way. Harassing my citizens will only make them fearful of you. You have to be willing to open yourself to friendship if you truly wish to belong here."

"I'm not trying to belong here you dunce," the witch retorted. "I said I'm trying to find home. I could care less about how any creature feels about me."

"Find home?" Twilight paused on the witch's words.

Thorax on the other hoof stepped forward and voiced, "Please, you have to stop what you're doing. We can help you find this home you speak of if you promise to stop this raid on the homes of creatures. This will only complicate things if you continue this behavior."

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