6 School Admission (5/7)

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Wist’s eyes opened again to the annoying rays of the sun. She shielded her eyes with a hoof and let out a sigh. She didn’t know whether to be angered and relieved to be awakened from that dream. Somehow it all felt so real.

“Sorry,” Wist’s ears perked at a voice. “Did I wake you?”

Wist raised her head to find the source of this voice and discovered the mare she’s been searching for was sitting beside her. Settled atop the cutie map at Wist’s side, Starlight Glimmer peered at the surprised changeling.

“You…” Was all that Wist could voice out.

“I’m glad to see that you’re awake,” Starlight said as she began to stroke down Wist’s mane. “That hex spell you cast turned out to be really strong. Twilight was right when she said it would take a few days for the two of you to wake.”

“The Princess...is she still asleep?”

“She’s actually been awake for a few minutes now. We’ve been watching over her at this castle as well.”

“She’s been here this whole time?”

“She’ll be coming here soon enough,” Starlight informed. “You can imagine that she may have a lot to discuss with you. But let’s not worry about that right now. I would like a chance to talk with you before any of that.”

“Why are you petting me?” Wist asked.

“Oh,” Starlight pulled her hoof away. “Sorry about that. When I came in, you looked like you were having a nightmare. At first, I was going to wake you out of it, but then you seemed to calm down when I touched you. So, I figured if I kept petting you, your dream would be more pleasant.”


“This may be random, but Wisteria, could you tell me about your home?” Starlight asked. “I’m curious about where you came from.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Wist averted her gaze from Starlight and lowered her head back upon the cutie map. The surface was strangely warm despite being made of pure crystals.

“I guess that's a touchy subject for you,” Starlight assumed. “Then how about we talk about something else. Like, say, your passions and goals.”

“Why should I tell you?” Wist raised her eyes upon the mare. “I’m certain that you’re just going to share this all with your Princess. And besides, every creature I tell always says I’m wrong for it.”

“Then I’ll be the first to not judge you,” Starlight laid a hoof on the back of Wist’s head. “Listen Wist, I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me anything. My outlook on you won’t change regardless of what you tell me...I think.”

“Do you promise?”

“I promise.” Starlight nodded.

Wist turned her face from Starlight, but eventually came back upon her and spoke.“...I want to be a witch. For as long as I can remember, my mom was one. She was ambitious and worked hard to be one of the best. So, I want to be just like her.”

“Twilight mentioned that to me before," Starlight said. "But tell me, what do you think it means to be a witch?”

“They’re smart,” Wist answered. “They’re cunning, ambitious, and work hard to unravel the mysteries of magic. Those that creatures are too afraid to explore themselves.”

“And what would you use that knowledge for,” Starlight asked, giving the changeling a careful glance.

“Nothing,” Wist blatantly answered.

“Really?" Starlight was taken aback by Wist's answer. "You wouldn’t make use of magic that no other creature has come to comprehend? I mean, even I would be tempted by the possibilities.”

“I just want to broaden my knowledge of all magic in the world just like my mother did." Starlight noticed a gloom in Wist's face. "But so far, I lack the basics. I can't even do a levitation spell and that's supposed to be one of the first things a foal should learn. But, I’m going to change that. I'll do everything I can to become an all-knowing witch, bewitching, and full of wisdom beyond that of the greatest wizard.”

“That’s a very admirable goal,” Starlight complimented. “It would be nice if all witches shared that mindset.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m guessing your mother is the only witch you’ve known. Well then, I think you should know that you and your mother do not share the same sentiment as most witches do. They seek knowledge that is usually lost and forbidden, but their purpose happens to be selfish and place others in a lot of harm.”

“That's not what I've heard. Most of what creatures told me that we are disliked for delving to secrets that they believe are best hidden. In what way do they harm others?”

“Forcing ideals on others, manipulation, liberation, those sorts of harm. And sadly, they are fairly common in Equestria. There are even rumors of a sisterhood that gather these witches together. Who knows what they have planned if they're not stopped.”

“What does that have to do with me? I’m nothing like that. I just want knowledge, that’s all.”

“I know, but the title of witches is not well-liked by the public. So, I wouldn’t recommend telling others about it.”

“What are you going to do with me?”

“That decision goes to Princess Twilight,” Starlight raised to her hooves. “But I think this talk has given me an idea of what I should tell her.”

Wist watched Starlight shoot through the barrier and hop off the table. Seeing this mare close-up made her anxious if she really was what Wist hoped her to be. There aren’t any similarities she could point out. Just this prevailing feeling that feels nostalgic.

“I forgot to ask this,” Starlight spoke. “But before you fell asleep, you called me your mother. Do I have some sort of resemblance to her?”

“I…” Wist couldn’t find the right words to respond with. Her face heated as she found embarrassment.

“It’s fine,” Starlight smiled. “We can talk later about it if you like. I think now is a good time to bring the Princess.”

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