7 School Disturbance (1/6)

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As the sun dawned upon the school of Friendship for the new day to come, Luster fluttered her eyes to beaming light that focused upon her face. Luster groaned as she pulled her sheets over her head to protect herself from the Princess's encroaching light. It took her hours to find solace in her sleep after enduring that awful changeling's incessant curiosity of her belonging. Thank Twilight, that she finally relented and understood her rude invasion of privacy.

"Hmm," Luster's ears perked to the hum of a voice. No doubt it was the voice of that intrusive changeling, but what was the sound flipping pages? Luster does not recall her having anything of the sort with her when—

Luster immediately threw her sheets aside and sat up as she witnessed the changeling again fumbling with her books again. Sitting on her bed, Wist merrily turned through the contents of Luster's books.

"I thought I told you not to do that!" Luster shouted. She jumped out of her bed and immediately attempted to snatch her book from the changeling. However, much to her annoyance, Wist fluttered her wings and floated out of Luster's reach. "Wist!"

"Guess you're awake now," Wist said without removing a glance from Luster's notebook. "And I was finally able to do as I please as you lost yourself in your lofty dreams. Would've been pleasant for me if you weren't speaking your princess's name every five minutes though."

"I did no such things!" Luster defensively said with a blush. "Wait, don't go and try to change the subject. Give back my notebook." Luster's horn harnessed a yellow light that enveloped around the notebook in Wist's hooves. She tried to tug the notebook out of the changeling's grasp, but a green aura then enshrouded her notebook, abetting Luster's attempt.

"Give it back already," Luster demanded, struggling to overcome Wist's herculean grasp of her notebook. Just how magic did this changeling had in her reservoir?

"Strange," Wist said without a struggle in her voice. "I could have sworn that sharing was an important aspect of friendship. You've written here in this very notebook."

"It's not sharing if you didn't get my permission," Luster argued. "Now quit it already and give back!" Luster heaved her head back to increase the pulling force of her magic. But suddenly, she lost the feeling of Wist's opposing force and inadvertently lunged her face upon her bed.

Pulling herself away from her bed, Luster looked back where she once saw Wist but has now disappeared from her bed. Flailing her sights about, she located the changeling before the open door of their dorm room.

A devilish smile crept upon the changeling as a rush of fury enveloped the mare's face. "Then let's say that I'm borrowing this then. I'll only need a few more minutes before I'm finished with this."

With a wink, Wist flew off through the hall of the dormitory. Luster quickly gave chase to the changeling, hoping exact her justice for the creature's infringement.

Rushing through the halls, the two passed through waking creatures that took surprise of their lively energy. Luster apologized to the creatures she bumped upon and kept her trail upon the changeling that flew above them.

"Wist," Luster shouted. "Will you stop this already!? We have classes to get ready for."

Wist gingerly flipped through the pages of Luster's notebook, seemingly ignoring Luster's voice that riled the mare even more. The changeling then let out a sigh, "Seriously, how many times are you going to mention the princess in your notes? It's actually starting to get creepy."

Luster's eyes gaped at the changeling's insinuation. She then gritted her teeth and lit her horn as she shot a short beam at the changeling.

Wist effortlessly leaned out of the path of the beam as it bounced from the ceiling and struck passerby that exited their room. The beam enshrouded the creature, constrict its body still.

"Nice aim," Wist laughed and she picked up some speed to distance herself from the raging mare.

"Just wait till I get my hooves on you," Luster seethed as she shot another beam at the changeling. Again, Wist dodged it and yet again it immobilized another innocent bystander. But even so, Luster persisted she more and more beams at the changeling, hell-bent on only capturing the disrespectful bug she was forced to call her roommate.

The two rushed through the halls and stairs, descending down the building while leaving behind shackled bystanders through their morning chaos. The two had descended at the foyer of the building when Luster began to show her fatigue, breathing for air.

Wist grinned at the mare's fleeting strength as she finally decided to stop her fleeing and look down upon the mare from the air. "Running out of steam," Wist mocked. "I was just starting to have fun."

"What is that Starlight sees in you?" Luster berated in between her huffs. "How can you just float right there and find amusement in bullying me like this?"

"You're the one that brought this upon yourself by not letting me read your notes," Wist argued. "It was almost a waste, to be honest. All these frivolous notes about friendship don't mean anything compared to that magic and ingredient I managed to find."

"Friendship is the cornerstone to the teaching of this school," Luster reminded. "It's in the name! And you're doing a terrible part in learning it."

"Am I now?" Wist wondered matter-of-factly. "Well then, how would remedy this situation with your vast knowledge of friendship?"

"Oh, I'll tell you," Luster leered at Wist. "I'm going to—" and before Luster could finish, the two glimmered with blue light. Confused by the sudden glow, the two again caught by surprise when it pulled them together, clashing their faces together as Wist dropped the notebook to the ground.

"Hey," Wist irritably voiced. "What gives?"

"You two are a real wild duo," the two perked the voice of a Kirin that appeared before them. "But you have to not get carried away in your fun. You don't want to be an inconvenience to every creature, don't you?"

"Ms. Autumn," Luster voiced in shock. "Oh no. I'm so sorry about this. It's just that my roommate stole my notebook and wouldn't give it back."

"You mean borrowed, right?" Wist corrected, earning a leer from her roommate.

"You must be the new student I heard about," the Kirin gawked her face before Wist's. "Wisteria, right?"

"Just call me Wist," the changeling nonchalantly said.

"Well, Wist," the Kirin said. "My name is Autumn Blaze. But you can just call me Autumn. Or maybe you prefer Ms. Fall. A lot of the students like to call me that. But if you can come up with something special yourself, I don't mind you calling me that either."

"You like to make tangents, do you?" Wist wondered.

"It's a force of habit," Autumn admitted. "But enough about me. We should really talk about the loud noises I heard upstairs. The students sound to be talking a storm up there right now."

"Oh, right..." Luster cringed, remembering the frantic use of her magic in her path down to the foyer.

"Just a little game me and my roommate were playing," Wist answered. "Though, my roommate got it a bit too passionate about winning."

"That is a lie and you know it," Luster angrily voiced.

"Well, regardless of what it was," Autumn said. "I think you two owe a lot of creatures an apology. I'll also have to pass this on the headmare."

"But, but—" Luster tried to make an argument, but was halted when Autumn raised a hoof.

"No time to dilly-dally with excuses," Autumn stated as she floated the two around her. "We got some chaos to undo."

At that, Autumn began her way up the stair with the two floating behind under the whims of her magic. Wist however managed to shimmer her green light upon her horn as she hovered Luster's notebook into her roommate's grasp.

"You can have it back," Wist said. "I've already finished through the last page on the way here."

Luster gripped hard on her notebook. Her eyes beaming hot like flames at the changeling that has now utterly ruined her entire morning.

"Why?" Luster thought. "Why of all creatures in this school did it have to be her?"

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