10 Candy Shop (1/5)

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"Okay class," Apple Bloom announced to her students. "Today, we're going to dabble a bit with the fundamentals of coloring potions. So, I hope y'all don't mind dying your coats, scales, or feathers, because today, there's gonna be a lot of that going on."

Her students grouped at tables with sets of bio parts, tools, and chemicals propped in the center. At one of the tables sat Luster Dawn, who gingerly took notes of Apple Bloom's lecture in her notebook. To be honest, this was information that Luster had already delved into. However, it's moments like these that gave her a breath of fresh air from the unending chaos she endures.

"Color dyes, huh?" a mare spoke from a seat beside Luster. She was thin with thick-rimmed glasses. Apple Bloom had assigned her as Luster's partner for today's project. It was a lucky pick in Luster's case since their teacher would make constant rotations between teams that were frankly too random to predict. From what Luster has observed, this mare is quite knowledgeable in this subject.

"I've actually learned the basics to color pigmentation back at my previous school," Luster whispered to the mare. "The key ingredient is chameleon scales that would need to be powdered and mixed with ingredients that match the color you're looking for."

"Is that so?" the mare grinned at her. "I'm doubtful that it would require the scale of just any chameleon. Magic potions tend to require items within the irregular."

"Oh." Luster widened at the mare. "Well, my school did have a collection of a specific species of chameleons. Namely, prism chameleons that you would commonly find lurking across the Winsome Fall. Probably should have mentioned that, huh?" Luster nervously chuckled.

"From what our teacher is saying, this potion is able to change the color of any creature." The mare began to rub her chin. "That may serve of some use. Though, I wonder about the application. Would a subject be required to ingest the potion to feel the effects, or could it also take effect through contact with the substance?"

"My name is Luster by the way," Luster interjected the mare's thought process. "I'm glad that we finally have the chance to work together. I can tell that you're really passionate about this."

The mare rolled her eyes. "I'm aware of who you are. I figure every creature in this school would know of the princess's star pupil." The mare trained her attention back to Apple Bloom, leaving Luster with a fainting smile. From the mare's indifference, Luster could declare that her first impression was a resounding failure.

The class proceeded with the experimentation where Apple Bloom passed a sheet of paper that gave instructions to developing a particular dye for each group. The process was beyond foal's play for Luster and the mare. In mere minutes, they've already made the measurements and mixtures to concoct the potion in a small vial.

"Simple as I thought it would be," Luster commented. "But it was nice to have a partner that can move at my pace. Usually, I would have to mentor my partner through the process."

"You had to guide a creature on something so basic as this?" the mare questioned. "They should find a new profession if that's the case."

Luster raised a brow at the mare's comment. "You know, you kind of remind me of another creature that I know."

"Another creature?" the mare perked her ears. "Do tell."

Luster gaped at the mare's sudden interest. "If you know me, then I don't think it's a secret about who my roommate is. She's a bit of an anarchist with a terrible mix of obnoxiousness and prude personality that could drive any creature insane. But she is quite resourceful."

The mare raised a brow. "Resourceful? That's all you can say about her?"

"Well, no." Luster shook her head. "I think there's more to her than just being a scoundrel. Believe it or not, she does have a nice side. She's just really stubborn about showing it."

"My, that sounds awful," the mare commented. "And would you call that friendship?"

"...I don't know?" Despite her declaration after their bonding session with Lil' Cheese, Luster couldn't help wonder its merit.

The topic of her roommate had remained the talk of the school throughout the week. Not surprising, given that this changeling not only ransacked the school twice but also assaulted the Princess of Equestria.

A normal creature would be thrown to the pits of Tartarus for such a crime, and yet here she was attending the School of Friendship. If not for Luster's unique connection with the changeling, she'd most likely be up in hooves or claws with students that want her out of her.

But this connection is what bothered Luster. It's something that she's been pondering about over the course of this week. There was something about Wist that felt oddly familiar to her and many that baffled her. Just what sort of life did Wist have that led her to act this way?

"I don't think I should be friends with a creature that calls themself a witch," Luster said. "But now that I've been stuck with her for this long, the idea of being separated from her doesn't sit well with me. So, I'm going to commit to my friendship with her and hope for the best. I just wish there was some way I can learn more about her than maybe we could grow closer."

"I don't think that's any of your business." Luster flinched at the sudden poison that stained in the mare's voice. The narrowing glare she gave seemed unnatural to the stoic mare that she's known from the weeks.

It then clicked in Luster's mind. "Wait a minute. Is that you–"

The classroom door suddenly slammed open with peeved Ocellus stomping inside. "Ocelli," Apple Bloom started in surprise. The loud bang Ocellus made shook Apple's hold of her clipboard and dropped it on the floor. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm sorry for barging in like this, Apple Bloom," Ocellus apologized. "But I have a student that had the bright idea to skip my class for potion-making." Her eyes leered upon Luster and the mare.

At first, Luster was unnerved by Ocellus's gaze. But, after noting a snapping of teeth from her partner, Luster realized the truth of this predicament. "Wist, what are you doing here!?"

The mare groaned. "Couldn't you have waited till the end of class? Don't you think it's a bit rude to intrude–" Ocellus's magic pulled upon the disguised Wist's ear, forcing her to trot to Ocellus's side. "–ow, ow, ow! Hey, easy on the ear!"

"You're coming back to class with me," Ocellus stated. "And you're going to tell me where you hid our missing student."

The students sat dazed seconds after Ocellus led Wist out of the class. All but Luster that pondered back to Wist's glare. "Why are you against opening up?" Luster wondered.

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