Attempt 2

820 37 28

TW: scars

Alastor sat with them at the table. Molly did most of the talking for everyone, so there was no awkward silence this time. Alastor occasionally found himself looking at Anthony. Who was hardly eating at all, not to mention not talking. He wished he would though, when Alastor and him used to hang out he was very talkative. But now he was practically silent. Even before when they finally had a conversation he never gave much of an answer to any questions. Of course Alastor understood the passage of time would mean he felt a little awkward around him at first. But he still wanted to be able to hear him talk. As they were eating Alastor also found himself noticing that no one ever tried to engage Anthony in conversation, no one acknowledged him, they all were kind of just ignoring the blonde. Which Alastor found very off. Eventually Anthony just picked up his plate and left the table, nodding at molly as a thank you. No one said anything when he left either. They just continued on with talking. Alastor stopped to watch Anthony walk into the kitchen. Thinking for a moment, he slowly stood up. "Thank you very much for the meal molly." He said, gathering his dishes. Molly started getting. "No no! Alastor don't worry about cleaning I've got it." She said quickly. Alastor shook his head. "I insist my dear. You made the meal, I will clean up." He said with a smile, molly slowly sat back down with a brief 'thanks'. Alastor took his dishes into the kitchen. Seeing Anthony opening a small bottle of pills, taking out two and putting them on the counter. "Oh, are you not feeling well?" Alastor asked, walking to the sink. "I should have guessed, you hardly touched your food." Anthony shook his head. "I ain't sick Alastor. It's for somethin else." He said quietly. Getting a glass of water for himself. "Would you mind if I asked what?" The brunette asked, setting his now clean plate to dry. "Just helps to make me feel less like garbage." He muttered. "I need em. ask Lucio, I ain't lying." He said quickly. Alastor only nodded. "I never thought you were, my friend." He said simply. "Could you tell molly I'll be upstairs if she needs me?" The blonde asked, walking to the hallway entrance. Alastor's smile fell a little. "Of course." He said in the nicest tone he could. Despite the disappointment he felt. It was official, Anthony really didn't want to talk to him.

A few minutes past and Elisabeth came over. She spoke with Lucio and molly for a while, they showed her around the first floor. Alastor sat on the couch in the lounge. Eyes often wandering to the hallway entrance. Where Anthony had left to go upstairs. When Elisabeth asked about him molly offered to get him. But Lucio said it was best to leave him. Something about exerting himself to much. Eventually Alastor and Elisabeth left. As they walked down the steps Elisabeth turned to her son. "What a joy that they are back! Although it's to bad I missed Anthony." She said as they walked to their porch. "How is he? Has he changed a lot?" She asked. Alastor shook his head. "I didn't talk to him much." Was all he said. Elisabeth's smile faltered. "Really? The entire week you only spoke about wanting to see him. Why wouldn't you talk?" She asked, cocking a brow. "I'd hate to talk down about him, but he didn't exactly seem very excited about seeing me. Not to mention try to have a conversation." He said solemnly. Elisabeth could sense his disappointment and put an arm around his shoulders. "He just needs some time. I'm sure he'll come around." She said almost knowingly. Alastor nodded, opening the door for her. "If you say so mama."

Anthony sat on his bed reading, molly knocking on his door. "Come in." He called quietly. Molly came in and shut the door. "You couldn't have lasted half an hour longer?" She asked. Narrowing her eyes at him. "I'm sorry mollz. But I couldn't handle him staring at me anymore. I had to leave." He said honestly. Molly sat on the edge of the mattress just next to him. "Well at least he wanted to see you. You should talk to him tomorrow. He hasn't changed very much. He's still your Alastor." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Anthony winced at the touch before relaxing again. "Maybe... Pops isn't mad is he?" He asked, looking at molly. She shook her head. "I think he's glad you left if anything." She said with a sigh. Anthony shook his head, closing the book. "Of course he is. Tell Lucio I'll see him in the morning." He said setting the book on his night stand. Molly stood up and nodded. "Get some sleep, you need it." She said, giving him an encouraging smile. "I'll see you in the morning." She said softly, closing the door. Anthony turned his attention out the window. He had a clear view of Alastor's house next to him. But the sight wasn't any comfort, drawing the curtains and turning out any lights, laying back on his bed and shutting his eyes. Just hoping to forget the entire night.

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